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  1. W

    Filter Help Aeriator?

    Hi, I have a 35l tank in my bedroom with a fluval 2 plus filter in it with the aerator attachment that causes it to blow bubbles out aswell. The constant bubbles is starting to give me headaches :( If i removed the air adapter would the tank get enough oxygen if i just had no bubble but still...
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    Growing Cabomba

    I have bought a bunch of cabomba and I am wondering what is the best way to plant it in my tank? Shall i keep the metal weight on it? do i need to trim before planting it? cheers
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    Risk Of Escaping

    anyone? :(
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    Risk Of Escaping

    Hi guys, Ive been fancying a african dwarf frog for a while but my main concern is about it possibly escaping? My tank doesnt have a hood it is a glass tank with a glass sheet top on it, with 2 hand groves to allow it to be lifted off. I frog could fit through these grooves but my question is...
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    Cycling Done Looking For New Fish

    would a crowntail fighter with a few neon tetra be ok? also maybe a gourami? also a shrimp or 2? Wouldnt be added all in one go. Any idea for what sort of stages to introduce them?
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    Cycling Done Looking For New Fish

    cheers for the advice so far :) any advice for specific combos? Preferably from the list of fish i gave? or with one or 2 of them :) As this is the only shop i have access to
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    Cycling Done Looking For New Fish

    Hi guys, Ive got a 35Litre (british) tank thats done cycling. Im looking for fish to start it out but couldnt find any of the recommended fish in my LFS. They dont have endlers livebearers (which i wanted :( Heres some of the stock they had swordtails, crowntail fighters, neon tetra, rosy...
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    Newbie Tank 35l Help

    have sourced a few prawns off a friend and they are now floating around in the tank lol any recommended online shops to pick up some bits and pieces, cheaper the better :D lol What should i be getting? I hear the API master test kit is good? do any fish shops sell ammonia? I will have to get a...
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    Newbie Tank 35l Help

    Looks like I have a slight problem then, going to order a tester kit in later on today off the internet. (any recommended brands and good cheap sites?) my problem is i have no ammonia, and will be going away later on today and wont be back until Wednesday. So looks like i will have to start a...
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    Newbie Tank 35l Help

    Hi, Taken the 2 fish to the lfs got a credit note for them. Ive left the tank running with the heater and filter still on, is this a good idea? I plan on starting from scratch to gain some experience. The tank has been setup for a few month previously so i guess theres a load of bacteria...
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    Newbie Tank 35l Help

    These are the fish currently, any help in finding out what sort of sucker fish it is? also what sorta temperature should i be looking at? cheers
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    Newbie Tank 35l Help

    oh yeah, sorry forgot to say, the tank was running up until i bought it, quickly unplugged, carried (really heavy!) and driven for about 20mins, then plugged straight back in. So tank was hardly even off. Will try and get some pictures of the sucker tomorrow :) I am unsure whether i should try...
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    Newbie Tank 35l Help

    Hey, Recently got a 2nd hand fish tank. Its a 35l glass tank. It currently has an angel fish and a 1"ish suckerfish (catfish?) Unsure of the heater model or anthing, but its gotten water inside and isnt functioning properly so i need to get a new one, what sort of wattage will i need? also is...