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  1. nosoup4you

    Leaking Tank!

    You'll need to replace the entire bottom panel...easier said than done. what make is the tank and how old is it?
  2. nosoup4you

    Bit Of A Panic...!

    Kind of makes me wonder how much bloodworm gravy you have already consumed.
  3. nosoup4you

    Tiger Barb Changed Color?

    Nope. Don't change any of least not until they are falling apart. When you do have to change them, only do one at a time.
  4. nosoup4you

    Yellow Water?

    The females do not have "bristles". If it is a juvie, you'll have to wait and see.
  5. nosoup4you

    Help With Fin Rot

    On a side note...if you've never dealt with fin rot before, it will often look worse before it gets better. The edges will tatter more as the dead fin sloughs off and new fin regrows. So don't panic if you see this once you start treatment.
  6. nosoup4you

    What's Your Favorite Cure-All?

    As above, WATER CHANGES and a keen eye.
  7. nosoup4you

    Seriously Ill Betta- Plz Help

    My first guess, just going by the pics, is that he has a tumor of some sort. These are not all that uncommon in bettas. If it is a growth, then I'm afraid it is untreatable. Have you seen him defecate? It's unlikely, but possible, that he has some sort of blockage. You first noticed the...
  8. nosoup4you

    Update- Snail Is Doing Better, Thanks!

    I've used an old pair of pantyhose or thin stocking for this purpose. The pet shop might also sell filter bags, little mesh bags used for holding filter media.
  9. nosoup4you

    Help With Female Molly

    Hard to say from that pic (tbh, it took me forever to find her lol), but she's not yet squared off. I'd give her another week or two.
  10. nosoup4you

    Update- Snail Is Doing Better, Thanks!

    It could just be bad luck, could be some sort of untestable contaminant, such as air freshener, that has gotten into the water. Keep an eye on the snail. A dead snail will foul the water almost quicker than anything. Take it out of the tank, touch its operculum (the "trapdoor"), if it does...
  11. nosoup4you

    Help With Mosquito Problems In Large Pond

    In many parts of the world, people use gambusia sp. for mosquito control. You might check into these. As with any fish, care will need to be taken to not introduce these guys to the wild.
  12. nosoup4you

    Weird Stuff On My Rocks

    Let it go...maybe increase circulation. Once the plants get going, the tank will sort itself on algae. I will admit, I had some of this on a log many years ago. It was so pretty that I sort of nurtured the stuff.
  13. nosoup4you

    Plant Id?

    Yeah, whenever I show this pic everyone always wants to know what is the red stuff on the right center. I have to then explain that it's just the cuttings from the top of the plant. lol
  14. nosoup4you

    Harlequin Rasboras Disappear Overnight

    Buck up! I'm sure your other fish were quite happy with the meal you provided. :P
  15. nosoup4you

    Plant Donations

    All of these plants come from my 10 gallon planted tank which is low-moderate light, no co2, no ferts. I literally do nothing for these plants aside from trimming. That photo was taken just after a recent trim. I have tanks and buckets full of overflow. As I said, donation or swap. You...
  16. nosoup4you

    Plant Id?

    I am in the US, Ohio. :)
  17. nosoup4you

    Plant Donations

    US here. I have some ludwigia repens, taiwan moss, bacopa monieri, and crypt becketii for donation/swap.
  18. nosoup4you

    Harlequin Rasboras Disappear Overnight

    I'd venture to say that the harlequins were either unhealthy or displeased with some aspect of your water chemistry and they just died, through no fault of your angels or powerhead. After death, their bodies may have been eaten.
  19. nosoup4you

    Weird Stuff On My Rocks

    Looks like some sort of green beard algae to me. This guide is an invaluable tool for identifying/preventing algae in the planted tank.
  20. nosoup4you

    Heya Andy! Long time, no see!

    Heya Andy! Long time, no see!
  21. nosoup4you

    Plant Id?

    Yeah, after drobbyb's suggestion and taking another look, I'd agree that you have some sort of ludwigia. I have l. repens, myself, and I can barely keep up with trimming it. Great little plant. Need any more? I have washtubs full of it out on the patio. LOL Apparently it's time to put...
  22. nosoup4you

    Plant Id?

    I was going to say ludwigia, but the lack of red threw me off. Please tell me that isn't red. If so, my eyes are worse than previously thought. :P
  23. nosoup4you

    Plant Id?

    Looks like hydrocotyle. Nice plant. Edit: Ooooooh...behind the pennywort! D'oh! Hard to say from the pic but it looks like bacopa, maybe micranthemum umbrosum. Strangely enough, bacopa is also called "moneywort". So if it is bacopa...with your pennywort and moneywort, you should soon be...
  24. nosoup4you

    New Guy Here

    Welcome, Joe! Always nice to have another pair of wet arms on board.
  25. nosoup4you

    Update- Snail Is Doing Better, Thanks!

    yup, the API copper test will do. Once you've collected your sample, go ahead and do a big water change.
  26. nosoup4you

    Silver Shark... Going Blind?!

    I managed a large fish shop for a decade. I did all of the ordering of stock. I can assure you that the bala shark is NOT the only shark commonly listed as a "silver shark". I did assume he/she was referring to a bala as you can see by my comments re: size, but wanted to be sure so that I...
  27. nosoup4you

    Can Fish Feel Storms?

    This is true...or at least a tried and true technique used by many aquarists. Often breeders will wait until stormy weather to put their fish together for spawning.
  28. nosoup4you

    Update- Snail Is Doing Better, Thanks!

    None of this sounds like low O2. Bettas can breathe air directly from the surface so would not be bothered. The apple snail has what is called a siphon for breathing air from the surface. If the 02 level was low, he'd be at the waterline with his siphon out of the water. Copper in the...
  29. nosoup4you

    My Corydoras Are Going Nuts...?!

    I'd still guess that they are getting spawny. Did you happen to check your tank heater to be sure you have not bumped it?
  30. nosoup4you

    Are My Honey Gouramis Ok?

    As shadowangels mentions, the change in coloration is simply breeding colors coming in.
  31. nosoup4you

    My Corydoras Are Going Nuts...?!

    It could be that with the addition of new fish, you have triggered spawning behaviors. Did you happen to do a big water change before/after adding the new fish?
  32. nosoup4you

    Close Call

    I've seen fish come back from some pretty amazing things. I once had a tinfoil barb jump out of the tank and flop all the way across the house. When I found him he was nearly completely dry and covered in carpet lint. I tossed him back into the tank. After a few minutes of twitching about...
  33. nosoup4you

    Silver Shark... Going Blind?!

    First of all, silver shark is a fairly generic name given to many species of "shark". We'd need to know for sure which type before making any definitive diagnosis. Most of the fish sold as "sharks" get far too large for the private aquarium. It could be that he is banging into things because...
  34. nosoup4you

    Discus In Scotland

    Your best bet for finding good quality, decently priced, discs is to join a local club or discus society. As I am from across the pond, I cannot help you with specifics but I have kept discus and have never seen available in a shop the kind of quality that can be obtained from private collections.
  35. nosoup4you

    Missing An Eye

    My guess would be the rainbow shark or angels...most likely the shark. In regard to determining which fry came from which female, all of the different color variations of molly can interbreed. It's not impossible that the non-black fry came from the black molly if she'd been bred by a...
  36. nosoup4you

    Help With Mosquito Problems In Large Pond

    Most mosquito issues in ponds can be controlled by simply increasing circulation and/or removing or rearranging the pond decor. Areas such as the tops of planters and corners of the pond crammed full of plants will create dead zones in the water flow where mosquitos can breed. What kind of fish...
  37. nosoup4you

    Transparent Molly?

    hmmm...I could be wrong but these sound like some sort of molly, silver perhaps, that's been injected with dye or "tattooed". A sad, but not uncommon, practice.
  38. nosoup4you

    Female Swordtail Wierd Behaviour

    Could be that she's getting ready to drop fry. This sort of behavior is not uncommon when they're ready to give birth. I'd check the water parameters to be sure. Do you have a test kit? If not, I'd do a 50% water change just to be safe. If she's heavily pregnant, the water change might even...
  39. nosoup4you

    First Time Fish Keeper - Help Me For My 5 Year Olds Sake!

    To be fair, the chlorine will have evaporated out after 24 hours. No real need for a dechlorinator at this time unless it also deals with heavy metals and such. Triops would be a pretty awesome critter for your kid. You buy the eggs at hobby shops, add spring water, and watch them grow. They...
  40. nosoup4you

    Now I've Seen Everything!

    The title says "large". Do you suppose they also come in small and medium? I'd love to pick up some of these in varying sizes to create a sort of bubble effect on the wall of the fish room. Can't you just see about 10-20 of these filled with blue gravel, blue plants, and blue bettas?