Search results

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    Undergravel filter or not?

    :crazy: YIKES Chooklet, That is awful! I dont have another tank to move the fish to, so I better leave it be :unsure: I also have a yellow spiney eel, that I worry about getting under it some how, he always seems to be getting himself into a jam :fun: this morning he was tangled up in an...
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    I think you should rename him Shredder :lol:
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    Undergravel filter or not?

    My tank has been set up now for about 5 - 6 months now, I run a back filter and I also have an ugf, but now Im wondering if its better not to have one. I do have live plants and some are doing okay and others have to be replace occasionally. I would like to hear what everyone's opinion is about...
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    Yellow Spiney Eel

    Thanks for the insite, I finally did spot him, but now he is back to hiding. Cant even see his nose :flex: The first time I was looking for him, I stirred the gravel everywhere and could'nt flush him out, he's probably really mad at me now :sly: The first week or two he was always out and...
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    Yellow Spiney Eel

    :unsure: I havent seen my eel for about 4 days, he didnt escape, Ive looked all around the aquarium. He usually comes out. Im worried that perhaps he could of some how gotten under the under gravel filter. Could this be possible :dunno:? Has anyone have their eel hide out for several days?
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    Need Help

    I have always been told that messing with your ph is a very tricky thing, even for the most experienced aquarist, that you are better off leaving it alone, because your lfs probably has the same ph in their water as you do at home, and that it will most times result in dying fish.
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    Quick Algae Eater question

    I have a Bristlenose and he seems to be doing a great job. I rarely get to seem him, he's like the night janitor :shifty:
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    any1 know where i can get mini bowfront tanks

    I just bought a 5 gallon bowfront aquarium w/kit at Petco, it also has a divider you can use or not. I have to male bettas in mine :)
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    is there such a fish?....

    I have a Bristlenose catfish and he does a fine job at housekeeping. Just alge though! :alien:
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    Salt? or No Salt???

    Hi, I have another newbie question. I have read that I should'nt add aquarium salt to the tank if I have a Bristlenose catfish, but dont my other fish need to have the salt? What should I do? Thanks again for any help or info. you can pass along to me ;)
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    Angelfish eyes?

    I have 2 koi angelfish, they are good size about a silver dollar size, they were that size when I purchased them from my lfs. They seem healthy and they eat well, even laid a batch of eggs the other day. Ive always have noticed that they swim or float around alot to one side, as if to be looking...
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    Water Changes? Vacuuming Gravel?

    Thanks everyone, you've all been very helpful :D
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    Water Changes? Vacuuming Gravel?

    I've heard alot of different opinions about when to do water changes. Any where from once a week to once a month. Which is it? :unsure: Also should the gravel be vacuumed everytime when there is a waterchange? I have a 26 gallon freshwater aquarium. It has been up for about 5 weeks now. I...
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    :D Wow! Thanks for all of your greetings! What a friendly bunch of fishies you are :fun: I have been reading the forum like crazy and learning a bunch of stuff. Getting myself A real genuine education ;) Can someone tell me when the chatin is going on in the chat room? Thanks Dori :rolleyes:
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    Bristlenose Catfish

    Can someone tell me if the Bristlenose Catfish and the Bristlenose Pleco are the same fish? Thanks! :look:
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    Remember my White Betta?

    Beautiful Betta! I think you should add another name to your polling. 8) SHIMMER
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    ;) Hi Everyone, I'm new here too! Just got my first aquarium, 26 gal. Can't wait to get aquainted with everyone and learn everything that I can!