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  1. B

    Different Species Of Cardinal Tetras?

    Hey all, Just bought some cardinals for the tank a few days ago and upon observation, it seems I may have bought two species of cardinal tetras? Some of them have clear fins whilst some exhibit a white line on the dorsal and anal fin which was quite weird. Some pictures: What I would call a...
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    Platy In Cold Water

    According to my experiences, they are temperate temperate fish which can handle temperatures of 15C. I onced lived in Queensland, Australia. This is a subtropical state where outside temperature stays at 25 C constantly. I kept my livebearers in ponds (swordtail, guppies, platies, mollies and...
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    Dwarf Gourami Bloated?

    yeah, he was breathing very heavily and Jodiem, thats exactly what mine one looked exept with an exra tumour sticking out of its side as well. Sadly it died this now. The female dwarf gourami was pecking at him :(
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    Dwarf Gourami Bloated?

    Since a few days ago, my neon dwarf gourami has become lethargic. He doesn't bother going for food like he used to and was is mostly hiding behind the driftwood. About two weeks ago he was the king of the tank, swimming around happily and also making bubblenests. - raising the babies now. Today...
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    A Dwarf Gourami Mini F A Q

    I bought a pair of dwarf gouramis about 2 months ago. For the first weeks that I got them, I conditioned them to breed. On the 2nd week, the female decided to embrace and release her eggs. I am not raising the babies. After keeping them for two months, the male has suddenly become very...
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    Another Newbie Wanting A Dwarf Gouramis Sexed.

    The really blue ones you may be refereing to are neon blue dwarf gouramis or cobalt blue gourami The first photo Andy provided was a original dwarf gourami with no colour mutations. The 2nd photo was actually a female of a neon blue dwarf gourami. (How I can tell? Female neon blue dwarf...