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  1. R


    The snails I got have also been great! Growing very nicely and keeping algae levels in my shrimp tank down! :D They go along well with ghost shrimp! Fast shipping, great prices, everybody loves night! :D
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    Angel Eggs

    By air powered filter mwood means a filter like a sponge filter, which you attach to an air pump and the upward force/motion of the bubbles gingerly pulls water through a sponge and up a tube. The reason to use one of those is that the suction is over such a great area (the whole sponge) that...
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    I Would Like To Delete My Account. How Would I Do This?

    I doubt that would matter anyways, since google searches caches of pages meaning they have one version stored. Even if your posts got deleted today it may be another few months maybe until those pages get updated.
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    Diy Whole Tank Led Lighting Retrofit

    Sorry if I'm busting on to the scene a bit late, but looking at that design I'm wondering why you are considering heatsinks? They are LEDs, one of the main points is that they produce almost no heat, haha. Also look up on your LED stuff a bit more, as you need a resistor in between each led and...
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    Jacks Rio 125 (to Be Named)

    Are you doing a fish in cycle then? Tsk tsk! hehe Other than that, looks like it's going to be a really nice setup! I'm planning on planting my tank soon, too. :)
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    This Is My Favorite Kind Of Science

    Very interesting. Pica, have you ever been to the zoo or aquarium in Cincinnati? Really good ones here, especially the zoo!
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    Since it's a plastic bottle and thus an insulator maybe it's building up a static charge from the air, and when you go to use it or whatever it's discharging on to you. Haha!
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    'cycling' The Sea

    If there are nutrients, something will evolve to take those nutrients up! Once you have the right bacteria and literally an ocean of nutrients, let the reproduction begin!
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    Freshwater V Salt Water

    Just like to point out something about the osmosis which might have something to do with it. I think that you guys are mistaken about the whole osmosis process from what I read, that the water wants to go from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration possibly through a...
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    Calculating The Mass Of Fish

    The most common way to get the volume of objects in general is to do as aforementioned, place it in a certain amount of water and see how much is displaced. The same method can be done to measure the mass. Get container with water (tank/dechlor'd) and measure the mass of it, then place the fish...
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    Need Help -moving Bedrooms/cleaing Question-

    First things first, when you are moving the tank you /must/ empty of it of almost all of the water. If you do not and you try to pick it up, well have fun picking it up because that's about 160lbs+ of water I believe, you will create uneven pressure on the glass/acrylic and shatter it. If you...
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    Cheap Way To Set Up Betta Tank?

    Agreed that buying them will only make them worse. If a pet store with some of these is going out of business, then it would be in your interest to save them!
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    Tiger Barbs

    Yep, I just had that issue. Got 10 and was keeping them in a 10g quarantine for a few days and they bullied one so much it couldn't eat or anything. Found it dead today. :( (it was a runt, btw)
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    Nutrafin Co2 Basic User Guide

    ok, and you get about 15 bubbles a minute from that?
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    30g Tank, Will It Work?

    So I wont need the EI, but I should still dose a little bit? I know I will have to, as this is a new tank. I have two boxes of laterite to put under the plants I get, what nutrients exactly does that give?
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    Stubedoo's 300litre Tank Log - My First Ever Tank

    You may want to check again if you are using pure ammonia, as if you aren't it could be hindering the cycling process. ;)
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    Nutrafin Co2 Basic User Guide

    Can anyone say exactly how much sugar you need to use, for those who can't buy the nutrafin kit? I bought another kit for the tubing and such, but of course it has crappy tabs. :P I'm wondering how much sugar and water to use with the 1c of water. Thanks!
  18. R

    30g Tank, Will It Work?

    Heh, got the 10 tiger barbs today and I'm liking them quite a bit! serpae tetras sound interesting and I'd like another schooling group! I will be looking in to some sort of shrimpies too, after I get some plants. In about a week or two when the place I go to gets some of the nutrients in I'll...
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    Quarantine/hospital Tank?

    Ok, I think I'll go out and buy a sponge filter or make one then, as the HOB for the 30ltr is custom for that tank, it was a kit. Really crappy. :D
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    Cloudy Water....

    Could possibly be because of an algal bloom/bacterial bloom. From what I hear these are quite common when doing fishless cycles. (Never done one myself =\) Don't worry, at the end of the cycle if it's still cloudy after a couple water changes, then ask. Pictures help, too!
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    30g Tank, Will It Work?

    Well the place I went to said they would take him, so I've opted for that as I feel being there would be much better! So it turns out it's a rainbow shark, my bad! I'm going to have a rainbow shark and 7-10 tiger barbs, could I put any shrimp or other fish in? Maybe 3-4 of another type of...
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    Quarantine/hospital Tank?

    How do you run the filter/media in another tank? I can't fit another filter or anything in the filter for my new 110L.
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    Quarantine/hospital Tank?

    What exactly is a quarantine/hospital tank? Is it juts an empty tank off to the side that if need be you can just fill it up with water and store fish in it, albeit with daily water changes? Or is it a tank that's always running, and or just filled with water and has occasional water changes to...
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    30g Tank, Will It Work?

    Hmm, good idea, but I don't know anyone to give it to! The lps I bought it from won't take it back, but as of today I'm not going there again. I found a 20k sq ft place that largely does fish/aquarium stuff. Freaking heaven to me! :D Maybe they will take it. What kind of aquascape and plants do...
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    30g Tank, Will It Work?

    Hi, Right now I have a bosemani rainbow and a red tailed shark in a 10g (didn't research before I bought =\), and I was thinking of upgrading to a 30g tank soon. I was wondering if I added about 7-8 tiger barbs to the tank (30g, mind you) would all of the fish live rather peacefully? I also...
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    Bosemani Rainbows

    Actually, I would avoid getting bosemanis not because they are hard to take care of or anything, but they are an endangered species. :( If you do, then try to breed them and sell a couple, that way they don't have to be harvested from the only three lakes they live in! (yep, only live in three...
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    Good Site To Buy Most Starting Things (us)

    Thanks, I guess I'll go from there.
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    Plants For Sale!

    Wondering if you still had a handful of the java moss left, and maybe 1 or 2 MTS. (Maybe one, since snails are hermaphrodites so you end up with a billion anyways!)
  29. R

    Good Site To Buy Most Starting Things (us)

    Hi, I have a small 10g tank (hopefully upgrading to a 20-30g soon!) and I wanted to plant it, so I came here! After reading through many posts, guides, etc I have a bit of an idea on what I want to do, but I'm looking for feedback on my plan and recommendations for a site to buy it from. (only...