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    Dwarf puffer

    Are Indian Dwarf fresh or Brackish :dunno:
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    Non filter planted tanks

    The main point of having plants is for them to produce oxegen and make the water breathable for the fish. You dont need a forest of plantes. You need quite a lot of Hornwort hat will kepp the amonia down. Amozn sword and Valsnaria are good hardy plants.Duck weds and java moss are good. The...
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    Non filter planted tanks

    Mine is Clear as crystal. I only have golden Chinse Algea eater a common pleco and a Gold Mystery snail
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    Kulh Loach

    Does anybody know anything about kuhl loches( I think that how you spell them) :no: :nod:
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    Dwarf puffer food

    thanks. Should I just through the snails in there or what. :dunno:
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    I bought a lobster not o long ago. I know a lot but if anybody knows a ton?
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    pearl Gourami

    What do you think about pearl Gouramis :no: :nod:
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    Non filter planted tanks

    why was it mud and mire
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    Non filter planted tanks

    was it mud and mire? :dunno:
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    clown loaches

    A great site to find stuff about most fish is They get 10 to 12 in. at maturity. :P
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    Non filter planted tanks

    Because it evaporates so quickly I just add 1 gallon evryday :rofl:
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    Non filter planted tanks

    cheese specilast I have a 55 all natural (exepte for a heater) aquarium. I set it up in October. I have only lost 1 fish because I was stupid and bought a Brackish fish. Not counting the one that got eaten by my lobster :hyper:
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    Non filter planted tanks

    I just want an opinion
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    What else do I need to start?

    If I were you I would go with a planted tank :cool: . It might cost you a little more but the life of your fish will go up. You will have to wait a couple of days though. You realy need something that will take out the chlorine
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    Is It Possible To...

    :D if you realy want to. It will be lots of work but it mite pay off. My 55 busted a leak so I had to rearange it and it looks a lot better
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    Dwarf puffer food

    :dunno: How many snail should I fed my Dwarf puffers (2) a day. I have a bunch of snails in my other tamks and I am just going to put some in.
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    buying a tank online

    www. I bout a 55 whit a screen top for 75 dollars.
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    I am going to get some dwarf puffers what should I feed them. I have heard smaller snails work.