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    Anyone Heard Of Female Hoplo Cats Making Bubble Nests Without A Male?

    I have 4 fully grown (5.5") Hoplos that are nearing 2 years in my tanks.  I was trying to breed them for 6 months now, with the proper setup in a 55g tank by themselves.   But now am thinking that they all are female, because the all get along together wonderfully well with zero aggression...
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    How Do I Get An Avatar For Me?

    How do I put up a photo or avatar to identify me on this forum, please?
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    My New Hoplo Catfish

    I think they do better in pairs, or more.
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    Angelfish Pair

    Raising baby angelfish is not hard, you just have to feed them baby brine shrimp that you hatch yourself. And you need to do water changes for the fry twice a day.
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    Artemia (Brine Shrimp) Breeding & Growing (Pics)

    I'm in the process of trying to raise BBS to adults for my non-fry fish...and have found a little about it on google, even youtube. From what those youtube and websites tell me... 1)yeast and finely mashed flake food will feed them, along with green algae, if near a morning window light source...
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    Chemical To Temporarily Dull Fish Senses?.please Don't Slam Me&#33

    Does ANYBODY have an answer to my question about if the adhesive holding the paper to plexiglass would be chemically harmful to my fish, or not...Please??
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    Chemical To Temporarily Dull Fish Senses?.please Don't Slam Me&#33

    Thanks for that, FishingPole...I usually am backlit..Thanks rrd1952...Yes, I knew that but was a little conserned about the adhesive on that paper backing. If you, and everyone think it would not contain harmful chemicals that would get into the water during about an hour process...I'll do...
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    Chemical To Temporarily Dull Fish Senses?.please Don't Slam Me&#33

    Yes, rdd1952 I've already called them and priced it. About $8, they said. But I'm really not wanting clear, so the other fish will see what's happening in the netting side...and calm down (somewhat). Clear (as I mention, is all they sell in my area) I know someone has some very thin flexible...
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    Chemical To Temporarily Dull Fish Senses?.please Don't Slam Me&#33

    I will....but I am VERY interested in the semi-opaque divider help....and am trying to figure out what material (plexiglass only comes clear in my area) that I could use for that. With 50% empty tank that is divided also, the LEAPERS would have to jump straight up to excape...Very hard to do. I...
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    Chemical To Temporarily Dull Fish Senses?.please Don't Slam Me&#33

    Thanks All, I'll forget about the chemical thing. (never wanted to do that except as an absolute last resort) Yes, it will be a 2 person operation. The two tanks are very similar chemically and in temperature. I have a net BIG enough for a pond that I use in that tank....and a regular sized...
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    Chemical To Temporarily Dull Fish Senses?.please Don't Slam Me&#33

    Thank you, Honeythorn. My tanks are on carpeted concrete floors. I already knew that very low light is the best time to do this....but they still freak out with the lights off, if I just approach the tank! And Guys...about the Clove Oil. Does that "oil" dissolve in water? What amount would be...
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    Chemical To Temporarily Dull Fish Senses?.please Don't Slam Me&#33

    OK, here goes my reason. I have had freshwater tropical fish for years....but now am guilty of a basic fishkeeping error...Very Stupid of me! I have a number of 125 gallon tanks. They are all hugely filtered WAY passed required capacity with numerous large bio-wheel filters that cycle all water...
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    One-way View Film For Tanks With Easily Spooked Fish?!

    Really?...Can having a picture across the back and sides of the tank sooth them? I had no background paper when I set up the huge tank...about 3" from the wall. So now there is NO Way I could move the tank, or get my hands back there to add some. Can that Really be a problem, Please??
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    One-way View Film For Tanks With Easily Spooked Fish?!

    Maybe if I had only one, that may be the case. But I have 6 large ones...and when one freaks out, they seem to add to the frenzy and the ALL start doing it!! And Frenzy up the Large Silver Dollars TOO!! HELP!!!, Please???
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    They would be fine together...breeding I couldn't say. I know it has been done successfully by the Germans to produce the "German Blue" variety after many years.
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    One-way View Film For Tanks With Easily Spooked Fish?!

    Is there anything to coat my aquarium glass exterior with a film to have the fish Not FREAK out everytime I walk, and move Very, Very Slowly by the tank? Like maybe not see me well, but let me see them...without being reflective to the fish in the tank? I have a 125gal. 6 ft. long tank with six...
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    Anyone Have (or Ever Have) Any Spotted Climbing Perch - Ctenopoma Acut

    thanks Wolf, That was my thought also. I have had many poor experiences buying only 2 fish of most species(except catfish)....because one becomes dominant and picks on the other until it hides/quits eating, doesn't grow until eventually dying. So that's why my initial thought was to get a group...
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    Anyone Have (or Ever Have) Any Spotted Climbing Perch - Ctenopoma Acut

    BTW...are they less reclusive in groups, as opposed to single fish??? dS
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    Anyone Have (or Ever Have) Any Spotted Climbing Perch - Ctenopoma Acut

    Yes, they are WAY Cool looking, with that round body and neat leopard spot coloration. But I've called the Fish Store and cut my order down from 4 to just one fish, as a trial on converting to high protein dry food. This concerns me. They probably aren't going to be cheap(even fish store won't...
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    Anyone Have (or Have Had) A Dwarf Giraffe Catfish?

    I'd like to have one catfish of this Dwarf variety in my 125 gal tank(because the "regular Giraffe Catfish" gets to be 2 feet long! ANF THE dWARF ONLY 7-8") because I've read that it has a smaller mouth than most big catfish (to not be able to eat the 3" fish already in there). And And they...
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    Anyone Have (or Ever Have) Any Spotted Climbing Perch - Ctenopoma Acut

    thanks everyone, My tank as LOTs of real looking silk artificial plants for all the fish to hide in. Great that ever if the seem unintersted at first in high protein Discus granuals an flake food...that they will get accustomed to eatting it soon. And I will be getting all 4 the same size from...
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    Anyone Have (or Ever Have) Any Spotted Climbing Perch - Ctenopoma Acut

    :sick: OK, thanks I had heard that when "new" from importers or fish store, they require shrimp, etc. as you said...but that they would take high protein dried food, like 95% protein Discus granules, and 94% high protein flake food eventually(before Too long). Has anyone successfully done that...
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    Anyone Have (or Ever Have) Any Spotted Climbing Perch - Ctenopoma Acut

    I guess 3 things I'd like to know from your experience with them: 1) I've heard that they only will accept live that true???? 2) I've read conflictive fews on the being, and not being aggressive...which is true from your experience? 3) I've also read that the generally are reclusive...
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    Anyone Have (or Ever Have) Any Spotted Climbing Perch - Ctenopoma Acut

    They are a very interesting looking fish. And seem to have the same water quality, etc. needs as my other fish in my 125g tank. I've looked at them extensively in Google...
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    Silver Shark

    I have 8 (Bala) Silver Sharks that size in my tank....And also 9 cool schooling African Congo Tetra: <a href="" target="_blank"></a> <a href=""...
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    Ph "acid Buffer" Better Than "discus Buffer" Lower

    I don't have Discus, but do have quite a few SA rainforest fish that prefer water in the 7 pH range.
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    Favorite Fish.

    Stripefin Eartheaters (click on the photo and scroll down to the bottom picture for an image of an adult in full colors) Bolivian Rams Bala Sharks (in schools ot 10 or more)...
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    Which Fish?

    Bolivian Rams (and German Blue Rams) are very pretty, cool, and peaceful bottom dwellers that have striking colors and unique movements with their fins. have you thought of them?
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    Intermittant Blacklight Use Bad For Fish?

    No, although I think the display is pretty cool already, in fact all the substrate gravel is seems to make the fish want to darken their colors. About the blacklight, I just thought it might make the colors in the fish iridescent and dramatic in a different kind of way to view once in...
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    Intermittant Blacklight Use Bad For Fish?

    My new 6 foot tank has a hood capable of using multiple flourescent lights. If I used one of the spaces for a blacklight to be used intermittently, would it be harmful to the fish? (there will be no live plants in this tank) Could I use it along with the regular flourescent bulb at the same...