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  1. T

    Nitrates Or Nitrites?

    In a nutshell: Fish waste --> ammonia --> nitrite --> nitrate Nitrite is a less toxic chemical compared to ammonia Nitrate is only harmful at high levels and is used as plant fertilizers. For more info, check
  2. T

    New Tank

    Thanks for your replies regarding the types of fish I should get. Will consider all of them. :good: However, now, my primary concern is what I should get. Should I get a heater, as I live in an equatorial climate? What type of filter would work best in such a tank? What about substrate? Sand...
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    New Tank

    Hi, I have a new tank that has a length of 28.5 cm, width 25 cm and height 39.5 cm. The box that I brought it with did not specify the no. of litres/gallons it could hold... So, I'm having trouble determining what sort of filter I should be using. :blink: Next, after I got everything and...
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    New 10 Litres Tank

    I've learnt not to put too much trust in China products. They said capacity - 10 litres. Then they gave me the Length: 28.5, Width: 25 and Height: 39.5. All measurements in cm. It obviously isn't 10 litres. Based on Eheim's online calculator, they gave me an estimated water capacity of 28...
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    New 10 Litres Tank

    Hi everyone, I bought a 10 litre fish tank 2 weeks ago, complete with both an internal power filter and an underground filter. Now, everything has worked fine for the last change of water, but when I did my change of water today, I realised that I couldn't start up my internal power filter...