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  1. L

    Fish Dying Of Ich

    This ich just came from no where and ALL my fish were dead within 2 1/2 days. That last thing I added into my tanks within the last two weeks of this happening was a live rock that had been sitting in the LSF for 6 weeks ( or so he claimed) I'm super pissed off, cuz my LFS (not a "pet" store...
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    Fish Dying Of Ich

    Guess I should have placed this in emergency. Oh well, I digress, I'll save these fish one way or another. :nod:
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    Fish Dying Of Ich

    Hi all, Well my fish have all got the dreaded ich. I noticed it yesterday afternoon and tried all of the "quick fixes" I could while I'm waiting to get a QT ready. (Garlic, cleaner shrimp, fresh water dip) my Coral Beauty died an hour ago. I already know that my Ocellaris clown and dragon goby...
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    Another Opinion?

    I know that....I know that..... :sly: I have been beating my head against the damn table since the first day my husband brought the empty tank home and told me to fill it!!!! There is much to learn, more then I originally bargained for. I have to admit that it's quite interesting and after...
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    Another Opinion?

    Thank you all kindly, I will do that. :good:
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    Another Opinion?

    I'm testing the salinity with just a hydrometer. I have two of them actually, I've heard that refractatometers are the king but I haven't had any probs with the hydrometer and no fish have died yet. I'm a novice though so I'm always open for suggestions.
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    Another Opinion?

    Ok...So I have an established tank now, my fish are very healthy and I am not questioning that. I realize that everyone has their own opinions and different things work for different people but still I ask. I lurk for hours and hours here and as usuall I learn of something new, I do my water...
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    Chocolate Chip Starfish

    Lynden, Thanx...that is what concerned me at first. My husband bought the star while I was out on vacation and told me that it lived on algae. (I research BEFORE I buy something) anyhow, while I was at the lfs purchasing more live rock I kind of mentioned it to the fishkeeper. My star hadn't...
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    Smudgers First Tank

    I have to add..that it a really pretty tank. My fishies would be jealous. :nod:
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    Chocolate Chip Starfish

    I haven't come across that information yet psycho. I do know that they are omnivores and they need algae and meat. I read that if they are fed some kind of meaty food once a week supplementing the algae they won't bother anyone. If you don't feed them meat then you have problems. I was at...
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    Chocolate Chip Starfish

    Thanks Ski, that helps out a great deal. I've never had any problem with hermits on my starfish for it is healthy as ever. He rarely hangs out at the bottom anyhow so unless he was bombarded I feel pretty safe.
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    Shocked Jawfish

    It's so fascinating to me that my little jawfish which is half the size of the goby and nearly invisible to the Coral beauty (is much larger then all of my fish) stands right up with his mouth open wide scaring them off, lol. Today the jawfish placed old seashells over all of the available...
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    Chocolate Chip Starfish

    I have been reading and reading and reading until my eyes pop out of my skull about all the creatures my hubby purchases and I haven't read that small hermits will feed on them. (CCS) I did not rely on a professional opinion but I rather rely on ppl that have had similar problems. They swear up...
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    Chocolate Chip Starfish

    Hey, Another question for all concerned. I have a Chocolate Chip Starfish and I had heard various care and advice. My questions: Do hermit crabs eat starfish? I have had my CCS for over a month now with an Emerald crab and 3 hermit crabs (red) and they have not bothered my sea star at all...
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    Shocked Jawfish

    You know, my little Pearly acclimated quite well considering all the "in your face" my other fishies were giving him. He eventually made his way to the front of the tank and relentlessly dug a hole against the glass. I used my super remembering powers from my research :lol: and I dug the...
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    Shocked Jawfish

    I am happy to say....I threw some mysis in today and he snatched a couple peices. He then made his way to the front of the tank and proceeded to burrow against the glass. I read somewhere that you should introduce a jawfish to a predug burrow so that's what I tried and it worked. He is...
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    Whats Your Favorite Marine Fish Of All Time?

    Yellow head jawfish for sure...they are very interesting. :good:
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    Shocked Jawfish

    Hello all, I think I know the answer to this question already but I'm an optimist and figured I'd throw it out there in hopes that someone has had a similar experience. I have a 30Gal salwater tank, all levels are normal I checked them myself before I went out to pick up my new, been waiting for...
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    Shocked Jawfish?

    ugh..I didn't realize there was a specific section. Thank you kindly though for the info. :) I am off to check now.
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    Shocked Jawfish?

    Update*!**!* Where my little jawfish decided to lay has now attempted to dig a hole in the corner of the tank to shelter himself/herself. There are plenty of bits and pieces for him, but it's kind of weird that it is not burrowing under one of the many live rocks as my goby has taken up...
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    Shocked Jawfish?

    Hello all, I think I know the answer to this question already but I'm an optimist and figured I'd throw it out there in hopes that someone has had a similar experience. I have a 30Gal salwater tank, all levels are normal I checked them myself before I went out to pick up my new, been waiting for...
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    Help With Alkalinity....

    It's lower today, if not zero tomorrow I will do a 25% water change. I'll get this thing up and running if it kills me :shifty: I'd rather a couple of days of headaches then a dead little fish, I will sure appreciate it in the long run. Thank you once again for your reply.
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    Help With Alkalinity....

    I apologize if I need to start another thread but all of my information is in this one already. My nitrite levels have spiked to almost 0.8 today. :( everything else is normal. Any ideas why?
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    Help With Alkalinity....

    Thank you so much for your quick replies. In all my years, I never thought I would feel true sadness at losing fish...I did and I guess that is a good sign now that this is my new hobby. I grew very fond of the jawfish and the bulb anemone. Do they make good tank mates if you know? If...
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    Help With Alkalinity....

    Thank you for the welcome. Bicker or not, you are all quite knowledgable I have a saltwater tank and as of yesterday I am starting ALL over again. I had a tiger jawfish, one blue damsel, and a pretty yellow fish that I cannot think of the name at the moment and a bulb anemone but after 6...
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    Help With Alkalinity....

    Hi all, I've been bouncing around the net and decided you guys are all pretty much in agreement with how things work and feel comfortable with any questions I might have. I cannot believe how many different answers you can get for one question! Anyhow, this hobby was to be my husband's but he...