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  1. E

    Help With Blue (Dwarf) Gourami?!

    Sorry for the thread hi-jack, I have lost a couple of blue three spot gouramis this weekend and I am at a loss as to the reason.   I bought five just after Christmas and lost one within three days that I put down to stress. I have since done a couple of 25% water changes and tested the water...
  2. E

    Fluval 305- Slow Flow

    I have this problem too with my Fluvel 205, after a bit of internet digging to looks like it could be down to debris clogging up the hoses and the area around the impellor. Have read of this thread I'll try tomorrow to give my...
  3. E

    Snails, Good Or Evil?

    I've just started re-scaping my tank and ordered an 80 plant collection from Plants Alive. Should I be quarantine the plants in a second tank before introducing them to the large tank to avoid/reduce snail infestation?
  4. E

    My Fluval Roma 200

    Ok thanks Can anyone help on this one? I have had a tour of the dealers in my area yesterday and apart form the Jewel backgrounds I can't find anything that looks remotely realistic like Steds.
  5. E

    My Fluval Roma 200

    Hi sted, I have the same tank as you and I am planning a make-over, any chance of a link to where I can get that background? Cheers Ian
  6. E

    Cloudy Water

    I hope it was just a coincidence and I did buy them as a pair, I think i will wait a while and then replace the dead one. I set the tank up with water and gravel from an old tank and then cycled it with regular water changes but had to put fish in straight away and hence I have had quite a few...
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    Cloudy Water

    I guess if it's an algae it shouldn't harm the fish, maybe the shark dying could have been down to stress after the water changes. I have been testing with a multi test strip and the last test a few minutes ago showed the following results, pH - 6.8, KH - 3, GH - 7, Nitrite - 0, Nitrate 25mg/l...
  8. E

    Cloudy Water

    Advice needed please. My tank is still quite new; about three months old but in the last week has gone really cloudy. My nitrate level is quite high so over the weekend i have done two 30% water changes and the cloudyness returns. On Saturday I cleaned the foam filter in my canister filter...