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  1. N

    Keeping A Mudskipper With Mollies

    How is the tank coming along? The diagram looks really cool. I like the idea of having the water flowing onto the land area. Is this a requirement for a mudskipper home? I am constructing a 55g brackish biotope for my classroom (I'm a high school science teacher) using PVC piping to support...
  2. N

    Eel Not Eating!

    I hope your eel is okay. I just found this forum tonight. And I finally witnessed my eel eating for the first time tonight (I'd had him for a month already.) Same species as your eel. Yes I'm sure. I got a Marina Micro LED light from Petsmart, and put it into the tank-- the light spread...
  3. N

    Yeah! My Eel Eats!

    Hi everyone. This is my first post on this forum. I just wanted to share my excitement about actually seeing my Snowflake Eel (Gymnothorax Tile) eating! :hyper: I'd had him for about a month. I tried dangling fish, shrimp, krill, and fresh squid in front of him but it usually just annoyed...