Search results

  1. FishyJames

    North American Native Fish Tank.

    So I found an old 17ish U.S gallon at a yard sale a few months ago. She holds water and is in good condition. About a month after that I stumbled upon the one of the smallest fish in the world (heterandria formosa) on the internet and decided I had to have them. Long story short, since last...
  2. FishyJames

    Appistogramma Viejita

    Interesting note: i believe these guys eat snails. at least ramshonrs. I had at least 5 adult ramshorns cruising around my tank and since i put the vijieta in, i've found 3 empty shells...
  3. FishyJames

    Appistogramma Viejita

    hmm, i dunno krib, seeing as how he didnt eat any of the flakes i gave him, he might just not have eaten since he was shipped from south florida, wich is where i believe Petland gets their fish BUT i will keep my eye out, are there any other symptoms? AND i went and bought some frozen...
  4. FishyJames

    Appistogramma Viejita

    Ok so my mom's boyfriend had a camera! And here's the little boy Annnnd the girl they need names! Im thinking George and Ursula? btw i didnt time travel...the time stamp is just wrong :D
  5. FishyJames

    Appistogramma Viejita

    I will when i get a better camera for now the only one is my 3megapixel ion my phone, and personally, the pictures suck =/ but ill see if they'll come out for a photo op and besides that, am i going to be able to wean them on to flake food? I tried to give them some earlier to ease the...
  6. FishyJames

    Appistogramma Viejita

    i just got a couple of these for my 20long setup and was just looking for some pointers on them. like what would lead to a successful spawning and such
  7. FishyJames

    Floating Pepper Cory

    Well come home and he's back to his normal behavior today so i guess problem averted
  8. FishyJames

    Floating Pepper Cory

    Im 99% sure this isnt normal behavior. One of my peppers floats in the corner of the tank, right under the water level, when i go to see if he's still alive, he swims back down to the bottom, forages for a bit, then goes right back to the spot. has anyone else's cory ever done this?
  9. FishyJames

    Clamp On Lights Vs Regular Tube Set Up.

    Are there any major differences for these two making one better than the other? By clamp on i mean the industrial lights for more of a reptile application with a compact florescent bulb
  10. FishyJames

    Lfs Special Orders Fish!

    hehe no worries i was onery from lack of sleep anyway, yay all nighters/dayers
  11. FishyJames

    Lfs Special Orders Fish!

    i didnt mean to be the newguy, all questions and no opinions his own and yes no harm done =D The stocking for the tanks will eventually be 20gl: 1 Ctenopoma acutirostre, and 5 Corydoras Catfish 30gl: 6 Odessa Barbs, 1 Red Tail Black Shark, 1 Bristlenose Pleco, and 1 Spotted Raphael Cat Ive got...
  12. FishyJames

    Lfs Special Orders Fish!

    =o i know what i like! i just wanted opinions i didnt mean to offended anyone by asking opinions. and loaches sound cool i tried some dojos awhile back but they got a bacterial infection =/
  13. FishyJames

    Lfs Special Orders Fish!

    well i guess ill just go through the laborious task of finding my own fish -.-
  14. FishyJames

    Lfs Special Orders Fish!

    Ive got a 20usgal long a 30usgal and a 10 current inhabitants include 1 betta in the 10gal 5 corydorahs, 1 bristle nose pleco, 1 rtbs, and 1 Spotted African leaf fish in the 20gal and 6 Odessa Barbs, 1 common plec, and a spotted raphael cat in the 30 once my sand comes in, im gonna redo my...
  15. FishyJames

    Favorite Barb?

    odessas all the way ive 6 of them and when theyre not eating they're all over the place very very cool fish
  16. FishyJames

    Info On Microctenopoma Ansorgii

    haha tell me about it mine has 3 banjo cats and i just finsihed ordering 43 dollars worth of sand for them :crazy: but where did you get the microtenopoma? if your store ordered em from somewhere im might be able to talk my lfs into getting them.
  17. FishyJames

    Bristlenose Cats

    mine likes to hide on the very top of the terra cotta pot errr underneath the top if you get what im saying he also hangs out inside my driftwood at times so check all the dark places where its harder to see into best of luck friend
  18. FishyJames

    Info On Microctenopoma Ansorgii

    i was just randomly searching through google for Anabantoids and came across a pic of these guys and wow just wow if i coudl find these i would buy everything they needed then and there they look simply amazing good catch on them Africa XD i hope they're healty and longlived
  19. FishyJames


    well i just bought my flourites and some fish food but mostly flourites Here's to it shipping safe
  20. FishyJames


    thanks aaron i was wondering what the formula was though i still think my numbers are all fubar anwayway. But thanks you guys
  21. FishyJames


    Thanks Mr Bliss now i just have to find it cheap enough for a college kids salary
  22. FishyJames


    how much black flourite sand would i need for a 20usgal long tank with measurments of roughly 29.5"long 12.5" wide with sand at a depth of 2" if ya dont mind me asking :D
  23. FishyJames

    Co2 Diffuser

    annnnnnnyyyone at all
  24. FishyJames

    New Leopard Ctenopoma

    Grats on the Cteno I got one today as well =D i still need to name mine.
  25. FishyJames

    Co2 Diffuser

    hey guys has anyone used this thing? or somthing like it? im wanting to plant my 30 usgal and its about time i use co2 i have some co2 bottles ive used for paintball, but im not entirely sure they actually use pure co2 or just air if...
  26. FishyJames

    Is It Fungus?

    Ive had something like this on one of my cory's it looked like a little white bump on his nose. i figure he had just bumped his nose against some lava rock i nolonger have in my tank it went away in a couple weeks but on another note the title of this topic could TOTOALLY be the name of a...
  27. FishyJames

    New 30gal!

    Hey everybody, i took a break, if anyone noticed =o BuT i come back with a 30usgal tank Anyone have any ideas? im thinking im going to put my 6odessas into it add a few more odessas (maybe 4?) so what else should i do? anyone got any ideas??
  28. FishyJames

    Odessa Barbs

    Well i decided against the baking soda, since there's a large chance id kill my fish. =/ but i went snooping around and apparently none of my lfs would give me any crushed coral. So i went to petsmart and they gave me a 5lb bag of what looks to me like a bunch of crushed shells and saltwater...
  29. FishyJames

    (heterandria Formosa)

    O.o didnt mean to hijack anyone! and i guess i should have thought of that before i asked =/ not everyone can be blessed and live in Florida *sarcasm* but i want more pictures of these little buggers so i can know what to expect! how about a big family shot!
  30. FishyJames

    (heterandria Formosa)

    grats on the buy! (sorry its so late =[ i never come in to the livebear section) but if i were to go out to my local swamp, where should i net to catch some of these guys?
  31. FishyJames

    My Shrimp Is Preggy!

    *sigh* i think they've been eaten... all my shrimps that is i just turned my tank inside out and i cant find them =[ i guess ill just have to buy some more and put them in my new 17 us gallon with some least killifish im gonna try to catch tomorrow =D
  32. FishyJames

    20long Lighting Problem

    hi everybody! ive got a 20 USgal long aquarium and i want to plant it out. The problem is its 29 and 1/4inch long not the regular 30 i bought a hood from my lfs and i had to "adapt" it to fit my tank. Hurray for hacksaws.... Needless to say the light fixture doesnt actualy fit the tank. what...
  33. FishyJames

    Odessa Barbs

    ok could i get away with using bicarbonate of soda? Im kinda low on money lately and i didnt know i had problems. So i dont know when ill be able to get to some crushed coral. And will all of this adversly affect my plants? because i know some Ph up solution you cant use with plants.
  34. FishyJames

    Tatia Perugiae

    well i think i could fit one more in there the next time i've got the money ill hunt one down. Right now he's hiding somewhere in the big piece of driftwood =[ guess ill have to entice him out later with some food
  35. FishyJames

    Odessa Barbs

    Alright I just got the Master test kit and here are the values as near as i can tell Ph: 6.4 Ammonia: .25 ppm Nitrite: 0 ppm Nitrate: 20 ppm so i dont know where that sits in the cycle. But i usually have a problem with low Ph water.
  36. FishyJames

    Tatia Perugiae

    i just bought one today cost me $13US hes a pretty little fish anyone have experience with these guys?
  37. FishyJames

    My Shrimp Is Preggy!

    Make that two shrimp pregnant one male, 3 females. he's a little beast =D next time i get a camera ill try to get some pictures.
  38. FishyJames

    My Shrimp Is Preggy!

    lol reading is a good thing these days, no?
  39. FishyJames

    Sea Robins/sand Perch In A Live Marine Tank

    everything i read is about 3-6inches. Big ones going up to like 11inches. So i was thinking a 75 gallon for a pair with sufficient filtration and water movement. Maybe a sand bottom with a rock cave at one end and a grass bed at the other? heya glenn =D
  40. FishyJames

    My Shrimp Is Preggy!

    sweet would moving her to another tank for safety sake put undue stress on her? i fear my other fish my eat the babies