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  1. H

    Flag Cichlid Laid Egg's

    Tonight we have noticed the flag cichlids have changed colour to a very brown almost black, 20 min's later we noticed the female has ,,laid her eggs, the trouble we have is there in a tank with about 30 other fish, is it ok to leave the fish in the tank or try and put them in a breading tank...
  2. H

    Pregnant Platy (i Think) ?

    I have also noticed that one of the pregnant females is very domenant against the other one, when there being fed she will knock the other one away and if she comes out of her hide away she will do it aswell, is it wise to keep the 2 together in the breading tank????????
  3. H

    Pregnant Platy (i Think) ?

    Hi yes i have lots of cover for them also little hiding area's for them to hide into, my other question is shes been looking pregnant now for about a month but nothinks happening?
  4. H

    Pregnant Platy (i Think) ?

    Thanks for the message yes it dose help, ive put her in her own tank with another pregnant platy shes beenin there for about a week now fingers crossed it wont belong now, once the fry are born ill put her back into the main tank.
  5. H

    Pregnant Platy (i Think) ?

    Hiya i'm new to tropical fish and have got my first tank it's a 150 litre we have about 35 fish ie: gourami's tetra's cicklids mollies,platy's. We have noticed that the female platy's are getting very fat, at the bottom of the anal fins they are going dark and can see black like eye's, but im...
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