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  1. C

    Cleaning A Tank With Real Plants

    I don't remove my plants because I fear it will damage my plants, especially the well rooted plants. I don't know how heavily planted your tank is but I can barely see my gravel, which means I can't use my old gravel vac, it's just too big. Now I just use a fairly thin plastic tube and carefully...
  2. C

    New To Planted Tank – Help

    For what its worth I really like it. I wouldn't have thought many people with 30 litre tanks bother with plants but yours is a good example of why all should, real plants must be better for the fishes.
  3. C

    Need Help Choosing Lighting For 55g

    That makes sense. Both T6 tubes are 25W so I guess in a 40ish gallon tank that moves it closer to two than one WPG. I got my new bulbs and seals today and they fit perfectly. All I can do now is wait and see if they have the desired effect.
  4. C

    Need Help Choosing Lighting For 55g

    Phew cos I just ordered a pair for my rena tank and was wondering if I had just wasted thirty quid. How does this work on the WPG ratio? I will have two 30" T6's rather than two T8's on a 200 litre tank, will this improve the WPG score or does it not work like that? Even though I have had a tank...
  5. C

    Just Pumped Yeast & Sugar Into My Tank

    Must have put too much yeast in this time as it has pumped the yeast and sugar mixture into my tank, turning the water cloudy. I'm not sure what I should do, or whether it is even harmful to the fish. I immediately did a 25% water change and then put a bag of activated carbon in my filter. Will...
  6. C

    Lighting Query For Rena Panoramic 100

    I'm seriously considering givng them a go now. Well spotted and thanks for the heads up. I too am considering adding another tube but not sure which way to go about it. If you do eventually have a go I would love to hear what option you go with and where you get the equipment from. Cheers.
  7. C

    Lighting Query For Rena Panoramic 100

    This is my first post so apoligies if I break any rules or leave any important information out. I have a rena aqualife panoramic 100, L-101cm W-43cm and H48cm, volume 200 litres. It has two fixings in the hood to fit x2 30" flourescent tubes and basically I don't know what tubes to fit next. I...