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  1. M

    Sochting Carbonator

    Does any one know where i can purchase some refill sachets for my Sochting Carbonator in the UK? Ive traweled the net but cant find anywhere in Britain and wont pay the p&p from the states (more than what its worth) Also Dr Sochtings website is as helpful as a hole in the head! Cheers
  2. M


    Whilst on holiday i got a text from my friend looking after the house to say that loads of fish have died because my filter had packed up! I gave advice the best i could but apon my return my tank had turned really bad. Most of my fish had died including all my loaches, 5 inch clown loach my...
  3. M

    Plants Growing Hair !

    I often have this problem, but have reduced it significantly by, 1) Buying a timer for my light to limit the time its on. Two burst a day 7-10 then 4-12. No point it being on when your at work 2) Nitrogen remover. Green pad that lives in my external filter (cant remember the make) 3)...
  4. M

    Eeeeek! Plants Growing Wild...

    The CO2 systems I'm running are the Hagen Nutrafin system, and a Sochting carbonator as well. I am impressed with the results :good: If you have moderate to high lighting levels I'd deffo recommend it![/ I too use the Sochting Carbonator but since moving up to Manchester i cant find a single...