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  1. F

    Malawai Tank

    Just bought a complete Malawi tank setup, the tanks on abit of the smaller side being only 90L [30ish gal] (but plans to upgrade to move to a bigger tank (300L - 80gal) when i get my 5ft tank for the Texas, and when the fronts get to about 5 inches plan to pop them into a tank on there own...
  2. F

    Cichlids Tank

    The Tank size is 4ft x 2ft x 2ft high, its around the 450L (120 USg) mark just over. The Texas thats in there is about 5" long, so would any fish i buy will need to be around the same size so they can defend themselves?? The Gourami's are all ready in the tank with him, and he doesnt take...
  3. F

    Cichlids Tank

    Right, Just purchased a Texas Cichlid tank (getting it in the next few days) off a friend as he is moving interstate and not able to take the tank with him, what I'm wanting to know is what plants i can put in here to limit the aggression of the Texas towards other fish in the tank (at the...