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  1. M

    Breeding S Mulitunctatus

    Hi Colin I have been breeding mine cuckoo but thought and alternative might be available. I am currently trialing the pot with marbles and an uplift airdriven PVC tube dropping in a strainer. In the method you stated, do you mean once harvested off a host fish that you then egg tumble them? Or...
  2. M

    Breeding Brine Shrimp

    Brine shrimp can be breed easier than you can cook an egg. The easiest is if you use a jar with lid, cut 3 holes in the lid, insert airtube in one, add eggs and salted water and voila you should have shrimp in about 18hours or sooner. Have a nice day Michiel
  3. M

    Breeding S Mulitunctatus

    I have atttempted to try and breed my Multipunctatus using the petricola method on this forum. No success yet but has anybody spawned S Multi using any other method than cuckooing? Thank you in advance Michiel