Search results

  1. crmpicco

    Taking on the "Legends Challenge" with the Rangers Charity Foundation

    One final bump for this as I have one day remaining to complete this challenge. I’m 15.5km shy of the required distance so any last minute donations to the Rangers Charity Foundation would be well-received and appreciated. It has really put a rocket up my backside in the last week knowing that...
  2. crmpicco

    Taking on the "Legends Challenge" with the Rangers Charity Foundation

    Admin: Feel free to delete if this is against the rules Hello all, I'm taking part in the Legends Challenge by running 114km in the month of September to raise money for Rangers Charity Foundation and I'd really appreciate your support. The number 114 isn't entirely random as it's the...
  3. crmpicco

    Hagen Tropiquarium 70Ltr Tropical Fish Aquarium Stocked

  4. crmpicco

    Hagen Tropiquarium 70Ltr Tropical Fish Aquarium Stocked

    Livestock/Equipment make-model-size/Wanted/Exchange/Plants: Equipment Age and condition: good condition, approx 10 years old (unknown) Quantity for sale: 1 tank, plus accessories and stock Reason for Sale: No space and lack of time Delivery or Collection: Collection, but can deliver in Ayrshire...
  5. crmpicco

    What Has Happened To My Plants?

    I have an issue with some of my plants in that they seem to grow black hairs from them. I have uploaded a couple of images below to show the problem. I have picked a few out, but this shows a big cluster of them. Why do they do this? Is it harmful for the health of my fish?
  6. crmpicco

    Loss Of Light In Hagen Tropiquarium 68

    I'm really at a loss now. I have replaced the starters, both bulbs and also as of this morning fitted a new ballast unit. It seemed to work for a few hours then started blinking again! From what I can see there's nothing left to actually change. What else can I do from here?
  7. crmpicco

    How Do I Fit A New Helvar Ballast Lighting Unit?

    I have bought a new Helvar L30A ballast unit to hopefully solve a lighting problem in my tank. The problem is I don't know how to fit it. In the pictures below you can see the wires connected to the existing ballast unit, but I don't see how they come out. Has anyone done this before? How do I...
  8. crmpicco

    Loss Of Light In Hagen Tropiquarium 68

    Thanks for the comment. I did have a problem a year or two back with the control unit. The lighting went out then, but I disconnected the control unit and wired the wires together (see the photo below). Both the control panel area and the section at the back are both bone dry. I have taken the...
  9. crmpicco

    Loss Of Light In Hagen Tropiquarium 68

    I have an urgent problem with my Hagen Tropiquarium 68 tank at the moment - over the space of a week I have gone from no problems with lighting to no light at all. I have two 18" bulbs in it, with two starters and gradually they went from fine to flickering occasionally to serious flickering...
  10. crmpicco

    Has Anyone Ever Seen A Fish Recover From Severe Buoyancy Problems?

    I take it to have any chance of saving the tetra I'd need to have a "hospital tank" setup and administer antibiotics?
  11. crmpicco

    Has Anyone Ever Seen A Fish Recover From Severe Buoyancy Problems?

    I have had various fish behave like this over the years. I was considering flushing the fish earlier, but he's still alive at the moment. However, as I say has anyone seen a fish get better from this? Or is there any way to medicate it (without another tank)? I think the future is bleak for my...
  12. crmpicco

    Has Anyone Ever Seen A Fish Recover From Severe Buoyancy Problems?

    Sure, I've just uploaded this What do you think?
  13. crmpicco

    Has Anyone Ever Seen A Fish Recover From Severe Buoyancy Problems?

    One of my Neon Tetras has major buoyancy problems and is spinning round in the familiar circle, upside-down motion. It looked fine last night when I went to bed, but this morning when I bit up it was down at the bottom of the tank looking in a sorry state and struggling to stay buoyant. I've...
  14. crmpicco

    What To Do With Fish When On Extended Holiday (3 Weeks)

    Should I be overly concerned about water quality?
  15. crmpicco

    What To Do With Fish When On Extended Holiday (3 Weeks)

    I am going to be on holiday for 3 weeks over Christmas and new year his year. As you can imagine I have a problem with fish care over that period. I have read a lot online about what to do, some people say leave the fish for 2-3 weeks and they'll be fine. Some say buy a auto feeder, the advice...
  16. crmpicco

    How Long To Keep Platy In Breeder Tank

    What is the gestation period for platies as she's still in the breeder and no sign of fry. Considering letting her back out and calling it a failed attempt at fry :(
  17. crmpicco

    How Long To Keep Platy In Breeder Tank

    She's still in the breeder tank, eating as normal and there's no fry as yet. Starting to wonder if I have a pregnant platy in the breeder now. :-S
  18. crmpicco

    How Long To Keep Platy In Breeder Tank

    Yeah that's my concern. I don't want to lose her for the sake of some fry. But then again I've never managed to successfully trap a female in a breeder before and have fry. Any fry I've brought on in my tank I've scooped out with a net and put them in a breeder tank manually. With my dwarf...
  19. crmpicco

    How Long To Keep Platy In Breeder Tank

    I moved my Mickey Mouse platy to a breeder tank as I was certain she was pregnant. She had black spots at her rear, the bottom of her belly went flat and her anus (I believe) became protruded. I moved her into the breeder tank about 10 days now and there's no sign of fry. :( The first few...
  20. image.jpg


  21. crmpicco

    Steady And Frequent Fish Loss In Community Tank

    My sig is now accurate and up to date. I should add that a good number of my guppies and players are babies growing up, so they are not fully grown adults. It certainly has been warm the past 4-5 weeks here in Scotland, but the temperature has dropped now.
  22. crmpicco

    Steady And Frequent Fish Loss In Community Tank

    Hi Sophie, yes I used the API kit. I was quite particular about the drps and testing, so I think 0.25 is correct. I thought a slight creep in ammonia towards the end of the "cleaning" week might be manageable. Could this increase be caused by over feeding?
  23. crmpicco

    Steady And Frequent Fish Loss In Community Tank

    I have had my community tank set up for 18 months now. Over the past 6-8 weeks I have had a steady loss of fish at the rate of around 1 death every 2 weeks. The most recent to go was an original Neon Tetra from 18 months ago, which had grown to quite a big size. Before that I lost a guppy a...
  24. crmpicco

    Making Your Own Ammonia Remover

    Surely a wee spot of ammonia remover isn't going to do any harm? Why do you say not to use it *at all*?
  25. crmpicco

    Making Your Own Ammonia Remover

    I recently took some advice off a member on here to make my own dechlorinator. I am now getting to the end of my Ammonia Remover, which I always add an inner capful to my tank when doing a water change, and I'm wondering if its possible to do something similar with Ammonia Remover. Can it be...
  26. crmpicco

    Guppies With Flat Belly

    Thanks for getting back to me. I done a search on Google for guppies with flat bellies, but it didn't yield any answers. They both seem to be eating as normally as the other guppies and they are both equally as active. Is there any indication on lifespan of these guppies? Should they grow...
  27. crmpicco

    Guppies With Flat Belly

    I have about half a dozen guppies in my tank that i have successfully brought on from fry. I have two in particular that have a completely flat belly and a lot of the time lie flat out on the ornament in the tank, see pics below. I'd say they don't seem to grow much in comparison with the...
  28. crmpicco


    Woah! I didn't know this was possible. Is this e sort of thing you buy? How long would something like this last and how do I mix it into dechlorinator to go into the tank with tap water? PM me to save derailing the...
  29. crmpicco

    High Ammonia Reading And Three Dead Fish Following 90% Water Change Wi

      So would they have been at the top due to the ammonia spike?   One of the foam pads is in top condition, although discoloured as you'd expect, but the other one was in terrible condition and was literally falling apart. So I only changed one of them. If that is part of the reason that the fish...
  30. crmpicco

    High Ammonia Reading And Three Dead Fish Following 90% Water Change Wi

      Yes, the vast majority of the fish were at the top of the tank and certainly the three that have died so far were all at the top. Would that have been due to the ammonia or something else?     I always keep my heater at a temperature of 25C. I'll be doing a large water change when I get in...
  31. crmpicco

    High Ammonia Reading And Three Dead Fish Following 90% Water Change Wi

    The filter was definitely still in the water so it would have been as wet as it always was should I never have moved the tank. The water was very cloudy once I had done the 90% water change and for about 12 hours after. I always do a gravel clean when I do a water change, but I don't often stir...
  32. crmpicco

    High Ammonia Reading And Three Dead Fish Following 90% Water Change Wi

      Hi there,   No the filter wasn't running at all. The media and the housing were still floating around in the 10% of the water that was left. The filter unit itself was disconnected from the mains and I took that downstairs and plugged it in afterwards.   Like I say I done a 90% water change...
  33. crmpicco

    High Ammonia Reading And Three Dead Fish Following 90% Water Change Wi

    As some will have remembered I done a 90% water change along with a 50% replacement of my Fluval filter media (foam pads) on Sunday to move my tank from a spare room to my living room. For reference, the thread is at:  ...
  34. crmpicco

    Changing Filter Media For The First Time

    It is the spongy foam pads that I have in my filter. There are two pads that come apart and slide into the filter in a housing.   One of them is fine, however one of them was falling to bits...although still working.   I had to do a 90% water change today to move my tank from my spare room...
  35. crmpicco

    Changing Filter Media For The First Time

    I have a Fluval 3 Plus filter that has had the current media in place for around 18 months. I have two new Fluval media foam pads and, before I attempt it, i'd like to know how to go about this.   I am well aware that the media in the filter is vitally important to the health of my fish, and as...
  36. crmpicco

    Harlequin Rasbora Swollen With Protruding Scales

    I'm sad to report that within days of the reply I lost the wee Harlequin I had since this time last year :(   I came back home from a night away and he was upside down at the top of the tank, even more bloated than he was when I left.   It's sad as I had 3 Harlequins and I now only have two, so...
  37. crmpicco

    Swapping Fry For Fish In Lfs

    Thanks, has anyone on here actually had success though?   I'll give P@H and Dobbies a call when i'm looking to move some fish on and see what their chat is.
  38. crmpicco

    Swapping Fry For Fish In Lfs

    I have produced a number of fry over the past few months and some of them have been promoted up to the main tank (70 ltr) from my hatchery tank.   Due to recent deaths, I only have one Otocinclas in my tank and two Harlequins. I was wondering about how other forums users have got on when they...
  39. crmpicco

    Harlequin Rasbora Swollen With Protruding Scales

    Over the past 3-4 days I have noticed my Harlequin Rasbora has had a swollen belly all round and his/her scales are protruding. I've noticed it called "pineconeing" on other forums and pages. I've introduced some other fish to the tank recently (Mollies, Otocinclus, Corydoras) and I'm wondering...
  40. crmpicco

    Baby Platies - How To Care Help Please

    I currently have about half a dozen platy fry in my hatchery tank with my guppy fry. They are doing well and hopefully next month i'll move some of them out the hatchery tank and into the main tank, the others i'll have to try and swap at a pet shop.   As for diet, I feed them the same as I feed...