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    Should I Get A Molly Or Is That A Bad Idea?

    my tank is 20 gallons and has 6 danios, 4 platies, and a dwarf frog. If i get a molly what is the effect of the salt i would need to add on the frog? i assume the other fish wouldnt mind it at all. but what about the frog. thanks everyone!
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    Should I Get A Molly Or Is That A Bad Idea?

    From what i have read mollies have the tendency to nip fins. I have some longfin danio's and some platy's in my tank. So would this be a bad idea then? p.s. are mollies related to platys because they look very similar
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    Dwarf Frog Dieing ) : Help Please

    well i had 2 for 7 months and one died and the other is 10 months old now. I always make sure food gets around them, and i know that some of them were skinny that were new but not all. The rest of the tank is 6 danios 4 platy's some java moss and bamboo so nothing agressive
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    Dwarf Frog Dieing ) : Help Please

    So i have had a dwarf frog for about 10 months (the other of the pair died after 7 months via loss of limb), whenever i have tried to get new ones they all seam to become diseased and die from a fungus infection (fuzz on their skin). So can the one that i have be carying the disease even though...
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    Are My Platys Attacking Eachother!?!?!?!?!?

    If this is a mating thing and she does give birth, I don have java moss in the tank growing on a rock, the only problem is that my frogs in the tank stay in the moss almost all the time. any sugestions?
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    Are My Platys Attacking Eachother!?!?!?!?!?

    Is this normal though the moment they get into the tank? i guess they were getting aklamated for a little bit so it could have saw something in the new fish that apparently is exciting. how long does it take for a platy to give birth to the fry?
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    Are My Platys Attacking Eachother!?!?!?!?!?

    So i have 2 sunburst platys and just got two new gold twin bar platys. the moments i let them swim freely in the tank one of the sunburst's bumped up against the side of the new twin bar, i think face first. A few hours later i witnessed this again. What is going on? they are supposed to be...
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    How To Trigger Breeding?

    i want to breed my danios but am not to sure how to breed them in their regular tank (not a breeding tank). How do i trigger the breeding process? thank you
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    How To Utalize Java Moss With Breeding?

    I previously asked other breeding options for my danios because i tried to seperate the females in another tank with marbles at the bottom but they started attacking the marbles and trapping themselves. luckily both of the danios are still alive even from being trapped. I was told that if i...
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    O No! What Are They Doing!?!?!

    So i had seperated 2 female danio's into a tank with marbles too breed them. they had been alone for two days and was going to put the men in in a couple days. I fed them and came back to check on them after there feeding and i noticed one of them was attacking the gap in between the marbles...
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    Quick Breeding Question

    I am about to breed my danio's and just had a quick question. right now i have two females in a tank by themselves and was going to put the males in the tank in a few days and then drain most of the water. Neither tank is heated at the moment but i did just buy a heater. I cant remember the...
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    My Gf's Goldfish Is Upside Down!? ) :

    She has a goldfish that will float at the top of the tank upside down. It does this on a regular basis but seems to do everything else like a normal goldfish. what is wrong with this fish!
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    A Small Heater In A Big Tank Dilema

    thanks guys. i know that it wouldnt heat a larger tank sufficently but was more curious of how much it would heat a larger tank. the fish in the 20 gallon tank have never had a heater in the tank before and they havent had any problems at all. I was just more curious if putting a two small of a...
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    A Small Heater In A Big Tank Dilema

    I was planning on breeding some fish in a tank thats around 5-7 gallons i believe. the tank i have now is a 20 gallon tank if i want to put the heater into the 20 gallon tank after i am done breeding what kind of effect on the water temperature would it have? i would imagine it would still...
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    How Many Dwarf Frogs Can I Put In My 20 Gallon Tank

    in my tank right now i have: a variation of 6 danio a variation of 4 platties and 2 african dwarf frogs- one medium one small I was wondering how many more frogs that i can put in my 20gallon tank. In the past i have had one of the frogs attack a guppy (they were in the same tank together...
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    I have a piece of driftwood about 8 inches long 4 inches wide and high. I was using it for my reptile tank but i decided to move them into a smaller tank and use the bigger tank for my fish. How should i clean the driftwood so that i can use it in my fish tank without contaminating the fish from...
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    Breeding Zebra Danio... Quick Question

    I have had some zebra danio's for about 10 month and just got a bigger dank recently so i got more danio's and wanted to now breed them. I dont own a tank heater sense they have been doing well without it. my question regards the importance of heat for breeding. I was planning on breeding them...