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  1. C

    Odd Platy Behavior

    My pregnant platy stopped eating (that I know of) about 2 and 1/2 weeks before she gave birth. It was scaring me... that I never saw her eat. She also just hung out in the top corner or sat on the bottom in the corner this whole time she did not eat. She had 46 babies and I moved her back to...
  2. C

    Is My Platy Pregnant? And Other Questions...

    Well congrats on your new fry also! :thumbs: I gave them some crushed up tropical flakes today and I think they really liked it. I am so amazed at how they are growing. There are about 6 fry that hang out and eat everything from the top. They are 3x bigger than the rest of the fish. Then...
  3. C

    Is My Platy Pregnant? And Other Questions...

    Thanks for all the info. I tried separating the Mom by putting her in a breeding trap. Gave her the inside of a pea and she would not eat it. She just will not eat. I am going to keep trying throughout the next few days. The trap seams to be stressing her out a bit so I dont know how long I...
  4. C

    Is My Platy Pregnant? And Other Questions...

    Hi again. I have a few more questions. The baby fry are doing great. They will be 2 weeks old this coming Saturday. There are about 30-40 of them and they are growing fast. They all seam super healthy and I have yet to see any that have died. I do a 30% water change every other day. And I...
  5. C

    Is My Platy Pregnant? And Other Questions...

    Yeah... I think I have enough time to somewhat cycle a tank before I move them over. I am going to take your advice on the water and filter medium. I will take some of the gravel from my community tropical tank and add it to clean gravel. QUANTITY UPDATE: we turned out the lights and...
  6. C

    Is My Platy Pregnant? And Other Questions...

    Gosh... I am terrified to use the siphon. I am afraid I will suck up some babies. I should take off the wide part of the siphon and just use the tube right? I am just so scared to use it. I know there are lots and lots of babies in there... more than I think. I actually counted about 18...
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  9. C

    Is My Platy Pregnant? And Other Questions...

    OK.... I am officially a grandma. She FINALLY had her babies this morning. I was really starting to panic a little when she still had not had them yet. My whole family thought I was nuts and that she was not pregnant and just fat... since I kept telling them "any day... she will have them any...
  10. C

    Is My Platy Pregnant? And Other Questions...

    It could be something other than a platy. It was in the same tank at PetSmart as the two platy's I have along with tons and tons of other platy's (I think). I am not too fish literate so there could have been all different types of fish in the same aquarium. Who know's with PetSmart...
  11. C

    Is My Platy Pregnant? And Other Questions...

    Thank you, thank you, thank you, for everyones imput, suggestions, ideas and experiences. I appreciate it so much. Ok... guess I need to decide if I want a net or trap OR if I want to put a bunch of stuff for the fry to hide in and take the risk. Oh man.... tough decision. Im going to start...
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  13. C

    Is My Platy Pregnant? And Other Questions...

    Ok... so I will go today and get a breeders net, fry food. What else? I am not familiar with the nets at all. How big are the nets and is my tank big enough. Do you think I should put Mom in there now or just keep watching and wait till she starts having them. Will I know when she is having...
  14. C

    Is My Platy Pregnant? And Other Questions...

    Hello. I am new to this forum and have a few questions. I have read through many many posts and have already obtained tons of info. Thank you to everyone and for this great website. About my aquarium: I have had a 10 gallon aquarium for about 5 months. I have 2 zebra danios, 2 guppies, 2...
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