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  1. G

    New Tank / Journal With Pics

    Okay well I will try my best to get rid of it. It seems to get alot worse in the mornings, a couple of hours after the lights come on. It seems to only be affecting the sand at this point and my pussy coral!!!!! I am now going to do waterchanges every three days and syphon out as much as I can...
  2. G

    New Tank / Journal With Pics

    wouldn't chemiclean hurt any of my inverts?? Thanks
  3. G

    Two Blue Rams, Male & Female?

    To me the one on the left in your signature is the female. The anal fin seems to be more like a females to me, but don't quote me on that as it is very hard to tell!!!
  4. G

    New Tank / Journal With Pics

    Okay well thanks SKI the pussy coral has opened up again is thriving. The hair algae is all but gone, I think it has died as it went grey and transparent then most of it has disappeared, all that is left is just some green residue on the rocks. HOWEVER I am now starting to get cyano n my sand...
  5. G

    Keyhole Cichlid

    Thanks Duncs the exact advise I was looking for. What mix of RO to tap water do you think I should use for water changes once I have estblished my low PH?? Thanks again
  6. G

    Keyhole Cichlid

  7. G

    Keyhole Cichlid

    Okay well I currently have a 190L community tank. The tank has been running 3 years and as I now have a job in an aquatics centre I fancy a change. Basically I have a pair of fantastic keyhole cichlids in the tank and I would like to change the tank into a soft water tank to be able to have...
  8. G

    Setting Up A Marine Tank

    Its hard to put a price on marine systems as they are all different. Would you like some Live rock in there with the fish or just fish. If you don't want liverock you can buy just normal Base rock which looks good but is alot cheaper and isn't live?? If you don't want Liverock its not much...
  9. G

    Setting Up A Marine Tank

    I am quite a newbie to this side of the pond aswell, however you have to decide what you want first, a reef tank, Fish only with live rock or other?? Once you have decided that you are best looking at all the different equipment you will need to get and if you want a sump etc, etc. But one step...
  10. G

    New Tank / Journal With Pics

    Okay I need some help. My pussy coral has shriveled majorly this morning. I woke up and found it very small compared to what it has been and all polyps withdawn. It has also turned a king of purple colour compared to its tanned colour before. I have heard that they can sulk for a couple of days...
  11. G

    Can Sumps Be Quilte/silent?

    Well depends how big your tank is and sump as this will determine the size of the return pump you need. Bigger pump means louder noise usually. I use a new-jet 3000 and it is quite noisy, although I only notice it when trying to sleep!! As with gurgling there are plenty of ways to get rid of...
  12. G

    New Tank / Journal With Pics

    Okay a question I would like a reply to fairly quickly. I have put my new clowns in and they are very happy. However I have my hydor koralia 1 one end of the tank and Hydor koralia 2 the other end. I have trialed with the flow for the last few days and have taken the little fish guards off you...
  13. G

    New Tank / Journal With Pics

    Well here is an even better result, took the tang back and got two new clowns from the place I work already paired and I belive they are true percula clowns!!!!! Pics are below so if someone could confirm for me?? Chaeto is getting bigger, bought as 50grams and weighs in now at 80grams and has...
  14. G

    New Tank / Journal With Pics

    Algae is no longer growing!!!!! WOOOOO. Chaeto is winning I think along with numerous snails and the crab! Also I know its a tad early but got my first coral this morning from the place I work, a pussy coral. I think it is a member of the soft leather corals??? It had wilted in the bag while...
  15. G

    New Tank / Journal With Pics

    Well I got some of those true turbo's today, 5 to be precise and they are devouring the algae as we speak. Also got a mithrax crab. A risk I know but they are soo cute, but I will be keeping a close eye on him. I am slowly beating this damn algae!!!!! Thanks again
  16. G

    New Tank / Journal With Pics

    Ok well I have just got back and my tank is fine. I have just done some tests on it and here are the results: Temp - 79F S.G - 1.024 PH - 8.3 KH - 9.6 Ammonia - <0.25 Nitrite - 0 Nitrate - 0 Phosphate - 0 Calcium - 350 Magnesium - 1110 The magnesium and calcium are a little low but will...
  17. G

    New Tank / Journal With Pics

    also another thing would I have space for a dwarf angel in my tank? Thanks
  18. G

    New Tank / Journal With Pics

    Oh no why not Big C???? I did it on thursday night!!!! Im worried now? I have been away from my tank since friday night but am getting back to it tomorrow, parents are looking after it and they say everything is ok. Will definetly post pics tomorrow when I return. Everything seemed ok friday...
  19. G

    New Tank / Journal With Pics

    Well, sorry I havent put any new pics up yet, my yellow tang is still very nervous and hides when he/she see's me! Things do look to be getting better, the algae growth has slowed right down since lighting my chaeto 24hrs. Just wondering though is best to light 24hrs or reverse? I am hopefullly...
  20. G

    New Tank / Journal With Pics

    Hmm interesting, thanks Ski. I will hold out for a little while and see how my water changes, tang, chaeto, snails and toothbrush cleaning help this outbreak. To be honest I haven't really researched corals to a great extent, I know I would like to have some mushrooms with some zoas and a...
  21. G

    New Tank / Journal With Pics

    Also another thing, just been doing some research and I think I have some bryopsis growing, to add to the other algae's!!!! Is this stuff bad? Thanks
  22. G

    New Tank / Journal With Pics

    Well pics will have to wait till tomorrow as he/she is stilll quite shy! Yer I have a job at Swallow aquatics, hopefully starting next week. Going to buy some true turbo's tomorrow aswell, probably five. My KH is still about 10 today so looks like it might have settled down. I have just noticed...
  23. G

    New Tank / Journal With Pics

    Well I have had a good day today!! Firstly I have a small yellow tang as my first fish and she/he is settling in nicely!!! Will get pics later on. Also I got a job at the place where I got the tang from!!! WOOO! I also have my chaeto now lit with an 18W 6,500K freshwater lamp!!!! Hopefully I...
  24. G

    New Tank / Journal With Pics

    So if I find a small tang tomorrow it will be my first fish. Are there any species of tangs which don't eat algae or will they all eat algae? I havent read that much about them as I will not be keeping one long-term? I like the look of the yellow ones? Anyhelp will be appreciated Thanks
  25. G

    New Tank / Journal With Pics

    Big C your a hero :hyper: !!! All this advice is really helping. I will see how the algae progresses where I brushed it off in the next few days. HMMMM a tang I thought that they needed alot of swimming space?? Or maybe I could get a small tang and give him back once he has eaten the algae and...
  26. G

    New Tank / Journal With Pics

    Hi Big C Thanks again, I used the toothbrush technique today and it looks a little better, couldn't really get all of it but I did get a large majority off of the rocks!!! How often should I do this? Big C how long did your outbreak last? I am going to test my tank again in a minute for...
  27. G

    New Tank / Journal With Pics

    Thanks for the reply Big C I will try the toothbrush trick. I use ROWAphos and chaeto at the moment but the chaeto is not lit on reverse or 24hrs at the moment so is only growing very slowly. Hmmmm true turbo's. I can't seem to find any sites that sell them in the UK, can you recommend any? SKI...
  28. G

    New Tank / Journal With Pics

    Ok so a quick update with pics. My test results today are: S.G - 1.024 PH - 8.3-8.6 KH - 10.8 Ammonia - <0.25 Nitrite - 0 Nitrate - 0 Phosphate - 0 Calcium - 390 Magnesium - 1110 I am doin 15-20% water changes every week. The algae is getting better then worse then better etc!!! The good news...
  29. G

    New Tank / Journal With Pics

    Well just tested my tank again all readings are the same except the KH has decreased again to 11.8. Hopefully it will start levelling out soon!!!!
  30. G

    New Tank / Journal With Pics

    Slowly but surely they seem to be!! I really need some different kinds of snails apart from them, maybe get some trochus tomorrow or maybe a green emerald crab? What is your opinion on the emerald crab will eat things I don't want it to eat or will it in general be handy? I have alot of turbo's...
  31. G

    New Tank / Journal With Pics

    Ok thanks Ski. Here are some pics of my tank ( it is very green :blink: ): :good:
  32. G

    New Tank / Journal With Pics

    Ok well i need some help now with my tank's readings. Today my tank's PH seems to be increasing and the KH is decreasing. All my Ammonia, Nitrite and nitrate levels are 0, is this normal for a new tank? I have had an unsually high KH since setting up my tank at 13.8. I will give you my tank...
  33. G

    New Tank / Journal With Pics

    Well today all ammonia, nitrite and nitrate readings are decreasing!!! Woooo. Also worked out my camera and I can now take super clear perfect pictures of close-ups, AMAZING!!! Here is that red thing close-up: What is it? is it dead? Also there are little bits dotted around the rock in this...
  34. G

    Arcadia Luminaires

    Buy A a light luminare off of ebay!!! I bought one called the real light silver, I will try and find the link for you. I got it for £145 delivered brand new and it has 1 150w metal halide with two 39w actinic tubes aswell as 2 LED's for moonlight lighting. Its an awsome bit of kit for the price...
  35. G

    New Tank / Journal With Pics

    Ok so an update. This morning I added a further 5 and 1/2 KG of LR. I put some bits I didn't need into the first section of my sump so that they had good flow round and through them as I wasn't 100% sure if they have fully cycled yet. These are the test results I took a couple of minutes ago...
  36. G

    New Tank / Journal With Pics

    Ok looks like it will just have to be live rock and chaeto in the sump then!!!!!! Picking up 5KG more of LR tomorrow morning so will put some picks up of it and my new aquascape. Thanks
  37. G

    New Tank / Journal With Pics

    Ok I will buy some chaeto then!!!!! Here is a paint diagram of my sumps water flow: The Blue lines represent water flow The Brown area represents where I would put a DSB. Could the water pass through it? Thanks again
  38. G

    New Tank / Journal With Pics

    Well did another tank test today and the ammonia has disapeared but my nitrites are through the roof with my nitrates. Hopefully will be gone by the end of the week!! I have noticed brown algae starting to form over some of my liverock which I feel is a good sign for my new tank. Couple of...
  39. G

    New Tank / Journal With Pics

    Also today I put some ROWA phos in my sump. I have two small bags of it in to reduse phosphates. This is only a temporary measure untill I get some chaeto growing. Thing is I accidentally spilt some loose granules onto my sump floor!!!!!! Will this matter at all?? They are just laying on the...