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  1. J

    Nitrite down to 0.25 - more fish now?

    hi, ive had my tank (rio 180) for 6 weeks and had my fish for about 3 weeks, i have 4 zebra danios and 3 platys, i did a test today and the results were, ph - 7.6. amonia - 0 ppm. and nitrite - 0.25, will it be ok to add some more fish i was thinking of 2 corys and a couple of gouramis. ;)
  2. J

    Pregnant platys.

    hi, my platy gave birth 2 weeks ago, the night before i noticed her belly was shining whiteish and swollen and i read on the net you can see a black area just under her bottom fin which are supposedly the frys eyes which she also had, then the next day a spotted lots of little babys swimming...
  3. J

    Platy fry.

    thanx, have you got your fry in a special nursery as i have 2 but noticed it getting a bit dirty but how can i clean it without taking the babys out at the moment i just push it up and down in the water and some bits go through the holes. :lol:
  4. J


    ive had my tank for 6 weeks and put in 4 platys and 4 zebra danios a week later one danio died due to amonia i guess the others are all ok eating, playing. now the amonia has gone its at 0 but the nitrite is so high im worried ive done 30 litre water changes every day put in stress zyme twice a...
  5. J

    Platy fry.

    hello, my names Jackie im new to tropical fish had my tank 6 weeks and got 4 platies and 4 zebra danios after one week, one danio died but the others are fine, one platy had about 12 babys i managed to put 2 in a nursery but saw the others get eaten alive! then last night (28th)i saw a baby...