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    Bb9 Offical Thread

    I heard somewhere the Big Brother show was created by the Great Grandson of the engineer who built Londons' sewerage system. Funny how one member of the family devoted his life to removing crap from our houses, and the other to bring it back. :lol:
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    Do You Eat Fish?

    I love eating fish, but it has to be filited, can't be having all those tiny little bones on my plate. I think that ther is a big difference between the fish we keep and those which are availale as food items. Maybe we could ask any fish keeping farmers if they eat beef pork and lamb. LOL
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    Bog Wood

    The Bog wood had already been presoaked in the tank at the LFS, it had one or two snails on it, but I gave the wood a through washing before I put it into my tank.
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    Bog Wood

    Hi Folks I have recently purchaced a New AquaStart 500 tank and began its cycle on Friday 30/5/08. My LFS gave me some filter medium from one of its tanks to start things off, and I have purchaced some Bog Wood from another LFS. Looking at the tank this morning the water looks a little cloudier...
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    In Active Mollie

    Hi Guys Went out and purchaced a couple of mollies yesterday, one white and one black lyer tail. The black one is doing fine, but I am a little concerned about the other one. he spends most of his time almost breaking the surface of the water, hiding at the back of the tank. can anyone tell me...
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    Lethargic Mollie

    Hi Guys Wonder if anyone can help? Just put two mollies in the tank and one of them is hiding behind the heater doing very little, hes been in there for just about two hours now and seems very lathargic. The other one is fine. Do i have a problem with the fish or will it just take time to...
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    Rasbora Species

    Will various species of Rasbora live in harmony together or do they have to be kept apart, for example could I keep golden rod, espi, ect with Harliquins
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    New Tank Mates For Merlin

    Hi Guys, I purchaced some new tank mates for my betta tank today Harliquin Rasboas and Cory Carp. So far all are doing well and ther are no sign of any agression. I only hope that it stays that way. Its just so relaxing to see them interacting with each other.
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    Going To Wal-mart!

    Ok Guys, Lets not go on about if tis right or not to rescue the fish that these super stores in America keep in small tanks, jars, etc. There should be enough people out there who care about the fish to do somthing about it. There must be animal welfair groups, sections of the media or links on...
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    Tank Photo

    Hi Folks Had a request for a photo of my tank via one of my threads so here goes. Its an Aquastart 28ltr tank. black gravel base with granite, and slate decor and some soft artifical planting. Only started last week and am alerady thinking of getting another tank for another Betta male. Yes I...
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    My First Betta

    Hi ReMz I am working on some tank picks at the moment, Hopefully have them ready for the weekend. But my lighting takes a while to set up.
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    Name My Betta! :)

    How about Stalin I think he was red.
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    Afia Has Finally Passed On

    sorry to hear about the loss of your betta alwas sad to loose a friend no matter how small
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    Name One Of My New Female Betta!

    Hello Smileyface I have just had a look on a Thai website and some up with a few names that may be usefull to you Kulap means rose in English which would suit her colouring Lawan means Beautifull which she certainly is Suchin means Beautiful thought which you will most likely have each time you...
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    Betta Feeding Habits

    The chap at the aquatic store I purcahced the Betta from recomeended the food, to me it looks like a standard tropical flake food, maybe try some live feed?
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    Betta Feeding Habits

    Hi folks, I got my first betta yesterday and he's looking fine, but I was watching him feeding this morning and he seemed to be spitting a lot of the food he had taken back out again. Is this a normal reaction or do I have problem with my fish.
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    Better Betta Pictures Using Macro

    Hi Smileyface, the Bettas look great, but heres a tip you may like to try. When taking photos close to the tank, place some dark coloured cloth or card behind the tank, it should cut down on the big white flare patches your getting on the picture.
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    My First Betta

    Hi There Thanks for the comment but maybe that should be Thai Dye Ha Ha Ha hey that pink fish is cool
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    Halfmoon Bettas In The United Kingdom

    There is a chap that i know in Bournemouth that may have the answer but I will have to check with him forst to see if I can put details on the forum unless there is any other way to pass on the info
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    Some Fishy Names

    I do believe your right mam pardon my dyslexya
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    Some Fishy Names

    I have been looking for a name for new betta and here are a few that I foun that may be usefull to other betta owners, I have put the Thi name first then what I have been told is the english meaning> if there are any Thi speakers out there who have sppotted any mistakes please feel free to have...
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    Some Fishy Names

    I have been looking for a name for new betta and here are a few that I foun that may be usefull to other betta owners, I have put the Thi name first then what I have been told is the english meaning> if there are any Thi speakers out there who have sppotted any mistakes please feel free to have...
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    My First 2 Betta's

    What type of camera are you using Smileyface, it may be worth your while putting some mesh (ie old tights) over the flash gun to diffuse the lighting and black or dark grey card behind the tank. I use mount board as it quite durable. the fish look cool though.
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    My First Betta...

    Nice looking fish, I picked up my first betta today and am realy glad to be in the club so to speak.
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    My First Betta

    Thanks Bubblenester, those dragons of yours arn't exactly dull though are they. Glag you like him, I am well happy with my first fish.
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    My First Betta

    Hi Folks Just thought that I would let you all see my my first betta, comments welcome.
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    Tank Mates For Betta Male

    As far as i can remember Jaded there are about 4 liters to the gallon so that woild make it a 7 gallon tank. Thanks for that Jennybugs, Ill get a smaller betta tank ready just incase of emergencys (Hopefully it wont be needed) but betta safe than sorry ha ha.
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    Tank Mates For Betta Male

    Hi folks Iwould like to keep a male crown tail betta in a 28ltr tank, I have read several articals and would like to keep a couple of harlequin rasboras and some small cory possibly panda or scunk with him. I would like the opinion of some more expieranced Betta owners on this idea. Note the...
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    Just Starting Out

    I am just starting out in the fish keeping world, and due to space restrictions I only have a small tank (28l) I would rather keep a small quantity of unusual fish that are suited to this size tank than a larger quantiy of very small fish. Are there any members out there with some ideas of what...