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  1. N

    Why Is My Water Cloudy?

    thanks for the advise I have taken on board the thing is that my tank is still cloudy and I am losing fish (yes the new ones) but I don't usually lose this amount of fish and my water is usually crystal clear hmmmm i am very frustruted I willl do another 25% change tonight please anyone out...
  2. N

    Why Is My Water Cloudy?

    ok so now I have lost 1 more golden algae eater the newest one and a neon also new to the tank, water still white with cloud what am I to do?? going to do another 25% water tonight hmmmmmmmmm :oh: :(
  3. N

    Why Is My Water Cloudy?

    Here is a pic of my tank done another 25% water change today -_- Sorry about the reflection.
  4. poo_fishy_004.jpg


  5. N

    Getting Better Coloured Loaches

    can anyone help I have two adult clown loaches and they are very light in color is there anything that i can feed them to get better colour out of them. I have tried nurtfin color flakes and this has not helped, any suggestions?? thanks ")
  6. N

    Why Is My Water Cloudy?

    Request Help Tank size:125 ltrs jebo 362 tank temp:28 Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): lost a bristle nose, other fish lost color red tail shark, clown loaches x2 angelsx2 pairs about 15 tetras and neons Volume and Frequency of water...