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  1. Tankww2

    75 Gal Oscar Tank

    I was thinking about a 75 gal with one Astronotus ocellatus and a Hypostomus punctatus in a 75 gal all filtered by a Filstar Xp2 Or Xp3 What do you think?
  2. Tankww2

    Wtb: Pest Snails!

    I've got some purebred non-plant eating pond snails 25 for 1 1000$ 100
  3. Tankww2

    What Skin Do You Use?

    Thanks for posting Everybody!
  4. Tankww2

    Sand From Home Depot

    plays sand is perfectly fine
  5. Tankww2

    Getting New 55 Gal Tank, Need Help Stocking

    Arowana is way too big for 55 gal get some angles and loaches
  6. Tankww2

    55 Gal Discus

    Thanks for all the advice! :good:
  7. Tankww2

    55 Gal Discus

    Ive been researching discus for several months now but everybody says something different! :unsure: For Discus: Some people say you need to change 50% of the water at least weekly. Some people say you need to change 10% of the water weekly. Some people say you need to have a max stocking...
  8. Tankww2

    What Skin Do You Use?

    Out of all three skins you can choose in the bottom right area of the tff's home page :osama: :osama: :osama: :osama: :osama: :osama: :osama: :osama: :osama: :osama: :osama: :osama: :osama: :osama: :osama: :osama: :osama: :osama: :osama: :osama:
  9. Tankww2

    Birthday Aquarium?

    For my birthday im getting an aquarium. But i dont know what to get. :unsure: I've narrowed my choices down to either a 34 gal red sea max (fowlr) with 2 clown-fish and mayby 3 green chorimes or a 55 gal freshwater planted community with tetras and Cory's but i could go either way. I can handle...
  10. Tankww2

    I Need Advice About My 30 Gal

    A neon gourami is a more colorful version of the dwarf gourami.
  11. Tankww2

    I Need Advice About My 30 Gal

    This is not all that i have in the tank i have 1 mollie, 1 neon gourami, 7 neon tetras, 1 jullie cory cat, 1 female guppy, and for inverts i have 5 amono shrimp and 1 singapore flower shimp. But you guys really like him? I think hes alright but for me he just doesnt seem to fit in. and do...
  12. Tankww2

    I Need Advice About My 30 Gal

    During The stocking of my 30 gal i got this lyre-tail mollie and a single cory cat (i was fairly new at this) I now regret getting the lyre-tail mollie. not only because i am fully stocked and cant get anymore corys to make a school but i also think the fish is very childish and dont like him at...
  13. Tankww2

    Serpae Tetra Advice

    I planing on getting a 55 gal the thing is i really like serpae tetras even though the nip fins. Im planning on getting a 55 gal with 7/8 hatchets 7/8 panda cories 7/10 serpae tetras or cardinal tetras and two siamese algae eaters. The thing is will the serpae's be a problem or will i have to...
  14. Tankww2

    1 Inch Per Gallon Rule?

    I know the 1 inch per gallon rule hardly works but how are you supposed to find out how many fish you can put in a tank if you cant use that? :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: