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  1. S

    Fishless Cycling

    Last weekend, after seeing the 5ppm (?) nitrite reading, we did another 90% water change to drop everything to zero, before going to the LFS. We were getting a little impatient to add a few fish. After telling the story to the sales guy at the LFS, he was also concerned about the nitrite...
  2. S

    Fishless Cycling

    Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. It's been about 5wks since we started. Have not been that diligent about taking readings, but yesterday nitrites were down to zero! We did a 95% water change last weekend. There were still some nitrite/nitrate readings afterwards. Added ammonia a few...
  3. S

    Fishless Cycling

    Well, the ammonia is still being processed, so we'll ignore the chlorine readings for now. Should we consider a water change? I'm wondering if the nitrite level might be too high.
  4. S

    Fishless Cycling

    For ammonia, we have a liquid API kit. For the other readings (nitrate, nitrite, chlorine, ph, gH, kH), it is a test strip. It's strange because we were used to seeing results with chorine at zero. I had my son take a gallon of tap water, measure the chlorine, add Novaqua+ and measure again -...
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    Fishless Cycling

    22 days since we started, and we're having some problems...with chlorine?! Things were going well. Ammonia would drop to zero in 12hrs each time it was added. Nitrate at >10ppm and Nitrite at >200ppm were both off the chart, but not unexpected. Then we started seeing Chlorine...where did that...
  6. S

    Fishless Cycling

    After being away for several days, we tested our water for the first time in 3 days, and voila - the ammonia reading was near zero! It has been exactly 2 wks since we started. Just prior to testing the water, we had made a trip to the local fish store to obtain some gravel from one of their...
  7. S

    Fishless Cycling

    Oh, I forgot to mention that our latest ammonia reading seems to indicate that it's dropped slightly below 4ppm. We have to "interpolate" between 2ppm and 4ppm on the color chart. My son is calling it 3.7 :unsure: Once it start dropping, I wonder how fast we should expect it to drop...
  8. S

    Fishless Cycling

    At the 82deg set point, the heater is on pretty much all of the time. We've a 20gal tank with a 100W heater, but the house gets pretty cold (50-55deg) at times. Don't actually have a thermometer yet, so not exactly sure if it is 82deg or not. I've seen the heater go off once briefly, so I'm...
  9. S

    Fishless Cycling

    Hello. It's been 8 days since we started, and ammonia seems to be stuck at 4ppm. At least that's what it's been at for the last 2 days. We didn't measure it before that, except when we started. The starting concentration should have been 5-6ppm based on the amount of ammonia we added. (Couldn't...