Search results

  1. M

    Large List Of Fish For Sale In North East Ohio

    Feel free to email me with any questions. [email protected] $3....Geo Steinys 1"-1 1/2" $1....Ameca Splendens 2" (said to be extinct in the wild, they are a central americal live bearer) $30..Clown Knife 16" $50..Breeding group pyxichromis orthostoma (All about 5" each) $5....Male...
  2. M

    The Oca Extravaganza Is Upon Us Once Again!

    Hello all you Cichlid Geeks and Cichlidiots!, It's that time of year, AGAIN! The Ohio Cichlid Association Extravaganza is fast approaching – November 20,21,22 2009. :shock: Some have already registered and reserved their rooms. Hotel rooms will go fast so reserve them early!! The show has...
  3. M

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    The auctions are now up on eBay: Clown Loach Shirt Oscar Shirt Thank so very much for your help and support.
  4. M

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    Yes, I siliconed the glass and all of the inside corners to boot. Be sure to scuff up the pond armor with 60 grit sand paper before siliconing. Butch from pond armor was very informative on the do's and don'ts with pond armor. He, in my opinion is what customer service people should be like. I...
  5. M

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    I guess I don't quite understand why I'm not getting notified of responses... That really kind of bumbs me out :( Amunet, everyone "wants" Bert. Bert is very cool, very responsive and his eating habits are the coolest thing about him. He's eaten bananas out of our hands, strawberries, tomatoes...
  6. M

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    Sorry folks, I never got notified of responses. Thank you for the kind words :) Re: Making my 800 800 gallons bigger :) ________________________________________ “Jonathan, I hope you got through your crisis, I was unable to help because as you said, times are tough. Please give us an update!”...
  7. M

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    Hello Everyone and Happy Easter. I’m writing today in desperation. We’ve received a disconnection notice. Work has just started back up for me and we’re still playing the catch up game and money is not coming in fast enough. We’re short roughly $1000 and I’m afraid of what would happen if our...
  8. M

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    Upon request I’ve shot some videos again. The first is feeding the masses… Then I thought I’d take you guys through a water change. Also in this I’ve tested my water upon request. I normally do not test my...
  9. M

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    I will definately do a feeding video :)
  10. M

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    Mr. Wood, Thank you for the very nice response :) As for the 1/3 water changes weekly... It's something I've done for 20 years. It started back when I used to breed cichlids. Water changes are key to a fishes happiness. So why noy apply it to all of my tanks... As for water testing.... I...
  11. M

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    I really couldn't ask for a better wife :) If I did she'd kill me :unsure:
  12. M

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    Funny thing is... for not really working all winter long it should have taken a lot less time... The holidays got in the way and so did my wife taking advantage of me being home.... "hey can you come up and watch the kids while I run to the store every 35 seconds" :good: I mean geeze, make a...
  13. M

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    Maint. is really not that hard, the 1500 gets a 1/3 water change every saturday. The rest get 1/3 changes every sunday unless they're being treated and the treatment calls for something different. It takes about two hours every sunday to do water changes on all the small tanks. The 185 and 240...
  14. M

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    Ok, what do you say we get this thread back on track with some VIDEOS!!! People have asked about my other tanks and what fish I keep. So I took the camera down stairs to do a little tour of the basement… Vid #1 is of some small tanks in the back behind the 240...
  15. M

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    I think all it's going to do is piss them off then not grant me my sign permit :blink:
  16. M

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    Atleast 30 or so emailed and about 10 mailed :D
  17. M

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    From what they said at the begining of all this it's a $10 permit for a sign. But it would have to be approved by the city LOL
  18. M

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    Thank you :) Yes, I believe 14" drain pipes would do the trick!
  19. M

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    I should mention that they misspelled my wifes name.... Not a big deal so I've edited your email a bit as her name is Lora :) Dear Sir / Madam It has recently come to my attention that you have recently served Lora& Jonathan Strazinsky (address unknown) with a “stop zoning and/or building...
  20. M

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    That is excellent! Thank you so much! I'm going to release you letter to the world as I belong to about 36 forums.
  21. M

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    Here’s a list of what’s been put in so far: Paco the pacu 22” Female Jaguar 8” Iridescent shark 15” Iridescent shark 12” Mad Barb 15” Common pleco 17” Leopard Sailfin Pleco 16” Synodontis euptrus 7.5” Tiger Oscar 10” Common Oscar 12” Tiger Oscar 9” Silver Dollar 5” Fire Mouth 5.5” Bocourti 11”...
  22. M

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    Thank you for the song! LOL I am currently registered with the state as a non profit LLC. This had to be established first in order to become a full fledged non profit organization. Then my name will change again... I think... Here's the village of Orwells website...
  23. M

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    Ok... So I'm a little fired up at the moment... Let me explain... I went to the village of Orwell (my home town) to ask if I could put out my Monster Fish sign in the front yard because I was hosting a board meeting for the Ohio Cichlid Association as I'm a board member and...
  24. M

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    Scroll up on this page, there's a slide show with 50 in it :)
  25. M

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    Just as soon as the water clears up!
  26. M

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    Thnak man, the dvd gonna be like 15 hours long if I keep adding stuff LOL I might have to make two! LOL When the tank is crystal clear I'll get some good video of it and then set on to make the DVD... I'd also like to get the fish room finished and the basement painted first too LOL
  27. M

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    Thanks very much for the one inch per gallon advice. I was actually thinking about getting a starter book for bigginer aquarists at the library... Problem is none of them list how to stock a 1500 gallon tank... Sheesh... Oh well, I guess i'll just have to write mt own :hyper: It’s been a long...
  28. M

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    Thanks for the replies about the wood, I did strip all of the bark off of it as it was suggest many times by a few people I know and by a few people on line. It came off fairly easily It's maple Also a little update about the tank: It's drained, the cross bucks are painted with drylok and all...
  29. M

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    When summer hits, that window in the room is getting replaced and a vent fan will be in it... That fan will be running non stop I'm sure... That will be better than what's been back there ever before.... And I only had a mold issue once which was easily nipped in the bid and never came back...
  30. M

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    The decor only had about an inch of snow on it, but it was under pond liner so no big deal :) The gravel was starting to freeze as I was shoveling it into the buckets LOL and the tree was surrounded by thorns.... Yee ha... As for the humidity... I put a moisture resistant material on all the...
  31. M

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    Thanks for all the compliments fellas :blush: I'm not too sure about the flaming genious one though... LOL As for keeping the thread going... You can bet your a$$ I'll keep it going, now the fun stuff like the filter and decor and fish can be done! As for FBF's I considered it but we often...
  32. M

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    Thank you!!!!! Up Date: Well…. It’s been two hours and SHE HOLDS! The extra pipe running back into the sump because the pump was a little too much seems to be doing it’s job well! The tanks been running for about an hour now and all seems to be well!!!!!!!! So let me ask you… Did you enjoy the...
  33. M

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    Well I'm still shooting video, and I think I'm going to make a DVD of the build when it's complete, along with some "never before seen footage" LOL I'm in good spirits but I'm just sittinmg here with my thumb you know wherewaiting for the silicone to cure and for my wife to get home so I can go...
  34. M

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    I'm glad you're happy! LOL I'm not a quitter... Quitters never win! Up Date: Since you tube is not cooperating we’re going to do this up date old school… I got the entire tanks seams siliconed this afternoon. By the time I was finished (which it only took about 20 minutes) my eyes were burning...
  35. M

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    Well, after an extensive conversation with my wife... She tells i'm not one to give up... It only took four months of asking for her to go out with me LOL... The plan it to seal all of the inside corners with 100% silicone GE I to be exact as it has not mildueicide in it. then very slowly fill...
  36. M

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    Here's why it'll have to wait for next winter: 1.) Money for this project has been more than drained. 2.) Patience for this project has been more than drained! LOL 3.) Once work starts up again shortly I will barely have time for the water changes on tanks I've currently got set up. Only rain...
  37. M

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    Will do :) Little up date, the tank leaked again this morning and my patience is running out. So is time. I've got about 2/3 of a kit of pondarmor left and plan to use it to go over the entire deep end. If that doesn't work then it will have to wait until next winter.
  38. M

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    Here are the reasons my wife "lets" me do what I do in the basement. 1. When we moved in I told her she could have the rest of the house to decorate and paint whatever color she wanted. All i wanted was the basement! 2. She feels if you truely love someone then why would stand in the way of...
  39. M

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    Butch sent me some more pond armor to work with so I can get the sump lined with it today. It just got here so I’m soaking it in a tub of hot water to warm it up before I start mixing. So I figured since I had an hour to wait for that I’d let you guys know that I did a final measurement on...
  40. M

    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    Yes, isn't 28 awsome? It's been fixed as of 6 am this morning... and Chairman, who said anything about work? LOL I could make the videos 9 minutes long every time... but hen it takes aweek for youtube to accept them... so I'm puposly tring to keep them short... But it doesn't seem to matter...