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  1. G

    Fishless Cycling With Carbon

    I have been using the product CYCle to do a fishless cycle of my 44 gallon tank. I have been following the instructions and adding the proper amouny of "product" but after 2 months, my Ammonia level is still .025 and I know I can't get fish in there until it's 0. Two things that I have not...
  2. G

    Can Reuse Filter Substrate And Mech After A Year?

    Thanks for the reply. Any other comments from anyone regarding this question?
  3. G

    Can Reuse Filter Substrate And Mech After A Year?

    I have an EHEIM Pro-2 Cannister Filter that still has MECH and Substrate in it from when I had a freshwater system running last year. I am now ready to get back into the hobby and would like to know if I need to buy all new MECH and Substrate or if I can reuse the old stuff. I realize all the...
  4. G

    Can Use My Freshwater Filter For Saltwater?

    Hi All! This is my first post here. May I ask if someone could help me with this question? I am a saltwater newbie but have successfully maintained freshwater tropical fish for four years. I have chosen to now tackle saltwater. My question is this: Can I use my EHEIM PRO2 2026 for my...