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    Cant Decide Between Amazon Themed Tank And An African Malawi Theme :(

    yeah I think my minds on NW. for plants im going for the java ferns and moss only because i dont want to plant any of the plants into the gravel to much hassle from experience. can someone recommend me some fish for my 80 gallon I dont want cory cats for now and only like 6 rummy nose tetras...
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    Cant Decide Between Amazon Themed Tank And An African Malawi Theme :(

    alright guys my parents purchased me a 300 liter tank which is like 80 gallons on the calculator thingy lol. its 3 foot but tall that is why it can hold soo much water. I originally was going with a African malawi cichlid tank and told the guy that i wanted light gravel and white rocks and blah...
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    What Combo Can I Have?

    So is it okay for me to like but the driftwood into the set up and then but the fish or would I have to put the fish and then later put driftwood to soften and lower the pH?
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    What Combo Can I Have?

    Hmmm I looked up keyhole and festivum sound and look great but what I found was Keyhole pH should not be lower than 6.8 and both fish require medium to high Water hardness and from my research an amazonian biotype tank is best to have soft water with a pH of 6-6.5 so I dunno is their a way to...
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    What Combo Can I Have?

    Hey guys ill be getting a 55-90 gallon tank by the end of the year and I wanted to have the amazon theme or biotype what ever its called. I would like to have the following fish: 6x cory's 1x BN pleco 3x Angels 1x Convict is this a possible mix? Cause I really like convicts and I have heard...
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    How Fast Do Bn Pleco Grow?

    umm i do 25% water changes sometimes even more weekly and my fish dont have much waste and the tank is planted can can u tell me how long does it take for like a BN pleco to become like 2 inchs to 3???
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    How Fast Do Bn Pleco Grow?

    hey I have had my BN pleco from late last year in a 10 gallon he or she is only 1 inch and a half so not that big for the take yet I have a driftwood in the tank I feed it veggies 3 to 4 times a week and their is plenty of algea for it to eat its just doesnt seem to have grown at all I dunno If...