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  1. Johndus656

    Gold Fish And Tropical Fish?

    hello i was wondering if i could out two gold fish with my tropical tank? they are two small gold fish and the tropical fish are one pleco, 3 tetra, 1 molly and 1 platty. thanks the tank is a 28 gallon bow tank and i have a aquaclear 50 on my tank.
  2. Johndus656

    Can I Filter, With Meds In Tank?

    it sounds like your angels have ick/ich. Do a water change still and make sure those nitrite levels go down, its prolly stressing the fish out and their amunne system is weakening. get some cik/ich meds and also sounds like you have red algae.
  3. Johndus656

    African Dwarf Frog Help..please!

    yea thats what i was thinking, but i have seem some tanks that are even bigger then mine have frogs, and they made it just fine, im just worried about them if i got some. Do you know of any frogs that could make it?
  4. Johndus656

    Pleco Needs Help!

    has he been going for air to the top at all, sometimes they get too much air in their stomach and it causes that, i have seen it in gold fish and when they swim theyswim kind of upside down. Is your pleco showing these signs?
  5. Johndus656

    African Dwarf Frog Help..please!

    I am planning on buying some ADF, but i am scared that they wont be able to make it all the way to the top of my tank. It is about a 19 inch journey for them and im scared with the filter making a current that they wont be able to make it, also it being too tall. if anyone can enlighten me on...
  6. Johndus656

    Questiopn About African Dwarf Frogs

    I am planning on buying some ADF, but i am scared that they wont be able to make it all the way to the top of my tank. It is about a 19 inch journey for them and im scared with the filter making a current that they wont be able to make it, also it being too tall. if anyone can enlighten me on...
  7. Johndus656

    Transfering From T10 Gallon To 28 Gallon!

    thanks a lot i will do this starting tonight, i will put everything in the 28 gallon tonight, i was just wondering, is it ok if i put the fish in the 28 gallon, there have been no fish in it but the ammonia is around 1, if i put everything in it tonight except the fish will the fish be ok with...
  8. Johndus656

    Transfering From T10 Gallon To 28 Gallon!

    i have an aquaclear 20 in my ten gallon and i am just running a little 10 gallon terta to clean up the dust from the gravel in the 28 gallon. i plan on getting a aquaclear 50 for the 28 gallon. I was wondering if i cut the sponge in half from the aqua clear 20 and put it in the 28 gallon, if...
  9. Johndus656

    Transfering From T10 Gallon To 28 Gallon!

    Hello, i am transferring my fish from a 10 gallon tank to a 28 gallon tank. My problem is i need to keep the 10 gallon running because i am gonna give it away to my gf. And i dont want to have to cycle the whole 28 or 10 gallon because of media transfer. What should i do?
  10. Johndus656

    Ammonia Levels Are High And Low!

    Well, that may be it, im not sure, i know when i took my water to be tested at the lfs a week or two ago my reading were just fine, so i am still confused about the whole thing. The guy at the shop said it may have something to do with the new fish in the tank, overload the good bacteria maybe...
  11. Johndus656

    Ammonia Levels Are High And Low!

    i cycled my tank for about 4 weeks before i out any of the new fish in , do you think it was that i added four new fish in at the same time? 2 mollies, one platy and a large tetra? i think that was it that may have done it, any suggestions?
  12. Johndus656

    Ammonia Levels Are High And Low!

    I was testing the water in my tank yesterday and i got an ammonia reading of over 6.0, im not sure how my fish could be living in this kind of water with that much ammonia in it. I did a 20% water change and i put some ammonia conditioner in it, but later that day the ammonia readings were...
  13. Johndus656

    Filter System

    well i dont know too much about that big of a tank , but i usually go a step high with my tanks, better to be safe then sorry and have to go back and buy another filter. I have a 20 gallon filter on my ten gallon tank. With my filter that was 5-10, the filter usually had a hard time filtering...