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  1. K

    Hybrid Gambusia

    I'd cross them with the closely resembling fish we all know as the guppy. It's been done before and I'd be anxious to see the results for myself.
  2. K

    Hybrids Of Mine Gambusia Affinis X Poecilia Recticulata

    I appreciate your experiment. I'm hoping to do this myself with mosquito fish (Gambusia) fry coming soon. I plan to breed them with feeder guppies. Btw guys, this experiment has been done many many times. And I'm surprised this forum is too far behind the rest of the world to realize this. I...
  3. K

    Hybrid Gambusia

    Ummm...WOW -_- They just said they wanted color in they're tank. Hybridizing them will add some color, thats how the fish will be less boring.