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  1. L

    Blood Streaked Betta

    IM not sure if this is an emergency, or if he is just stressed from being shipped. he has just gotten here from being shipped sunday to monday...then a rest and being shipped tuesday to wedsnesday. I got him from Thailand. He is eating just fine, though hes a little slower than the others, and...
  2. Royal_Blue.jpg


  3. L

    New To The Group

    ooops i meant 78 and 80... i hit the 9 instead of the 0... lost another two this morning...of the original 30ish guppies i had i have six left...and like i said my stats are right...should i be testing for something im not testing for? i dont know...
  4. L

    New To The Group tank is fluxuating between 78 and water tests are all testing normal...i have moved the babies to their own tank...but im still loosing fish...they sit on the rocks for a few days and then dart around and die...someone is nipping fins too..and i think it is the big
  5. L

    New To The Group

    im a moron, i have been thinking i needed to get it up to 87, i read it backwards i think...i need it to be 78 right? ok well do i know if my heater is doing its job or not?cuz like i said i have is set at 87 and its only 84...its sposed to be accurate to 1 degree...but yes the...
  6. L

    New To The Group

    ok so tests today were all the same as yesterday except the nitrites were inbetween 0 and .25 and yesterday they were not a lot of change, but it looks like we are getting somewhere. I had another dead fish today...he was labored earlier and i just went and checked on them and he was...
  7. L

    New To The Group

    ok so i woke up this morning to a cloudy tank. no dead fish although two of my babies are missing, so im thinkinmg they died and the shrimp ate so confused...will be doing a water change asap. my levels went down yesterday so im hoping they went down a bit again to day...
  8. L

    New To The Group

    Im located in Lacrosse Wisconsin, but if you can spare a little, ill pay for it... i had two more dead fish again today. in my temp keeps fluxuating...they are ALL scratching on the rocks so i have been slowly raising the temperature, but it is set on 87 and tthe temp is only 84 where as...
  9. L

    New To The Group

    Thank you so much for your explanation, it all makes sense now...i do have live plants in my tank...i have a bunch of frill, something else (it has grown like 10" in a week!) and a minute amount of duckweed which im hoping will grow...i want some java moss, but none of the stores around here...
  10. L

    New To The Group

    Ok so i did the 1/4th water change...i tested before i did it, and my water all measured the same except my amonia was up .25...will keep doing daily water changes as you suggested...i didnt know i was supposed to be doing water changes...also i use AmQuel plus and Top Fin Bacteria Supplement in...
  11. L

    New To The Group

    So i woke up this morning and i had two more dead fish... i wish i knew what i was doing wrong...will be testing water again today...
  12. L

    New To The Group

    hi and thanks for your reply 1. Amonia-0 nitrite-.20 nitrate-.50 pH-7.8 2. temp fluxuates between 78 and 80...i dont have a digital...just one of those stick ons that you stick on the side of your tank.and i have it on the farthest side of the tank away from the heater 3. i have...
  13. L

    New To The Group

    Hi all, i have been lurking here for about a week, soaking up everything i can about Guppies...i recently aquired a bunch for free...and am trying to figure things out... i got them on friday of last week and on sunday i had babies...i really wasnt prepared for that, but i got eight of them in a...