Search results

  1. Jaymz

    Fluval 205 Leaking

    I've had a Fluval 205 for about two years now, and I noticed it's started to dribble water out from between the head and body of the canister. It's coming from where the grey clips meet the main body, so is it likely to the clips themselves that are wearing out or the main rubber seal that runs...
  2. Jaymz

    Quickie About Java Fern.

    Just got some Java Fern for my low-tech tank as I heard they're easy to grow and whatnot, just fancied asking about planting them. I know you're meant to let the roots grow above the substrate, but it looks as messy as sin because of the spongy felty stuff the plantpots are packed with. How's...
  3. Jaymz

    New Juwel Fish Tank With No Filter

    The TetraTec EX series are excellent filters - for that tank I'd say the EX1200 for maximum filtration. I hear Eheima are also good but have had no experience of them myself.
  4. Jaymz

    Circulation Pump And Stress

    Got my Koralia 1 yesterday and set it going (190l corner tank) this morning all my gourami are hiding in corners or under the wood. Am I to assume I've once again bought something that's just going to stress out my fish or are Gourami not that bothered by currents? All my other fish seem fine...
  5. Jaymz

    Koralia 1 Fish Guard.

    Sweet. Thanks a lot.
  6. Jaymz

    Koralia 1 Fish Guard.

    Sweet, pretty much what I thought just wanted to be sure. Thanks! Another quick one - they are meant to be left on all night as well yeah? Cheers!
  7. Jaymz

    Koralia 1 Fish Guard.

    Is it possible to have the fish guard on on these things without having the focusing nozzle on as well? I want the wide flow but don't like not having the guard on. Fair play that I doubt a fish is going to want to swim into it badly enough to fight that flow but still, peace of mind. Cheers!
  8. Jaymz

    has not set their status

    has not set their status
  9. Jaymz

    Fountain/pump Stopped Working, Fuse?

    No matter it's been replaced anyway. Yeah we regularly cleaned it and everything I think it's just packed up after so long with such constant use, we checked the fuses and everything pointed to the pump itself. Thanks anyway!
  10. Jaymz

    Fountain/pump Stopped Working, Fuse?

    Hey all, soon as we're looking to get a new filter our fountain/pump goes kaput. We think it must be the fuse that's gone only problem is we've never opened it up so have no idea how we can find out or fix it. It's a Hozelock Super Cascade 3000, which we've had for about eight years. Anyone got...
  11. Jaymz

    Well Its A Rescape... *update 10/09/09 Fish Added*

    Bargain! I'd seen similar for pushing four times as much. Many thanks. :)
  12. Jaymz

    Well Its A Rescape... *update 10/09/09 Fish Added*

    Love the tank, vibrant plants and tidy without the heater and whanot. What kind of wood is that? Redmoor? A couple of questions if I may: Where did you get the lily pipes from? I've got the same EX and was looking at doing the same thing but wasn't sure which lilies to get. Not sure if the...
  13. Jaymz

    External Filter?

    Never used the Eheims so can't comment, but the Tetratec EX range are excellent; quiet, easy to set up, good value for money.
  14. Jaymz

    Panda Garra

    Little bump sorry. I have three. Any particular reason why?
  15. Jaymz

    Slime Disease - Bit Of Advice Please.

    Is there anywhere that has review of the Green Genie filters? Or does anyone here have personal experience with them? We're looking to get one this weekend but I just want to be sure they're good filters. We're a little budget-concious at the moment so something priced like the Genie or the...
  16. Jaymz

    Fluval Drilled Tank With Different Filter.

    Hmm. I think the EX1200 has thicker (15.2mm) hosing so that may make it a little easer to fit than the Ex6/700 (11.3mm) although I'm not sure of the diameters of the Fluval hoses. There should be no risk of it being knocked as I'm the only one who goes under the tank in my house, and with a...
  17. Jaymz

    Fluval Drilled Tank With Different Filter.

    I'm thinking that the piping provided for the drilled-based tanks is thicker than hosing designed for the 1/205. It's a sure sight shorter than that which can be bought in shops. Maybe they get around making thick and thin options for the short hosing by just providing thicker? I wished they'd...
  18. Jaymz

    Fluval Drilled Tank With Different Filter.

    The other thread I had discussing this said that the hosing provided with the Venezia/Vicenza tanks were the same, as were the aquastops regardless of whether you got the 1,2,3 or 405, and that a couple of people have done exactly what I was asking about and changed the 205 supplied with a 3/405...
  19. Jaymz

    Fluval Drilled Tank With Different Filter.

    I'm almost certain I could just change the filter for the 3/405 without having to make any adjustments - I had a thread about doing that on here, apparently the aquastop tap just fits into the larger filters without any problems. I was just wondering if this were possible as the Tetratec seem so...
  20. Jaymz

    Fluval Drilled Tank With Different Filter.

    Time's come for me to change the filter on my 190l Venezia Corner tank (for whatever reason it only came with a 205 for up to 200l tanks, which I thought was a bit low) and I was looking at either the 3 or 405. However having just set up my old 96l again with my Tetratec EX600 I've been reminded...
  21. Jaymz

    Is There Such A Thing As Too Much Current And Too Little Light?

    What would people recommend for a 190l corner tank? Currently I'm only at 4x turnover and want at least 10x for algae-reduction purposes, but don't want to stress the fish out. Koralia Nano? 1? 2? I also plan to change the external filter for one that's going to do 1000lph alone.
  22. Jaymz

    More Alage Issues.

    Excellent, cheers.
  23. Jaymz

    More Alage Issues.

    Excellent, so long as the fish don't get bothered by it. Don't want them constantly struggling against the flow and tiring themselves to death. Any rough idea how long it'll take to see algae reduction/better plant growth with this powerhead? I know you can't be specific but what, weeks?
  24. Jaymz

    More Alage Issues.

    Ok I'm finally looking to get this Powerhead. It's literally been ages since I've had some spare cash. Given my tank's a corner unit, I guess it wants to go near the top right in the corner and be pointing at the centre of the curved front yeah? I'm looking at the 2, with 2300lph. It won't...
  25. Jaymz

    96 Litre Tank For Sale.

    Bump. Not even an offer?
  26. Jaymz

    Slime Disease - Bit Of Advice Please.

    I'm more up for updating the whole lot, pump and filter to be honest. At the minute we've got a Hozelock Super Cascade 3,000 running into this filter that the guy built. It's say... a 100l box crammed with gravel and old Bio-max from my tank's filter. Ideally we'd want a pump with a fountain...
  27. Jaymz

    Slime Disease - Bit Of Advice Please.

    We're looking at getting a Hozelock EasyClear 6000 today or tomorrow and also considering replacing the filter we have with something better. Question; would the Hozelock's pump be sufficient to run a box filter as well? I think the output's about 1,400lph, but consider that it's filtering on...
  28. Jaymz

    Slime Disease - Bit Of Advice Please.

    Augh, lost three more fish, that's four thus far. Still unsure about whether it's Fungus or Slime Disease. I'll post some more tomorrow if anything's got any worse, or better. I'll try and get the Hozelock all-in-one tomorrow as well, many thanks for the help.
  29. Jaymz

    Slime Disease - Bit Of Advice Please.

    There's no way I could think of to easily quarantine them aside from getting large containers for the worst-off, but then what about filtration or water changes while they're being treated? EDIT: Any opinions/experiences with the Hozelock Easyclear range? We're looking at the 6,000 model as it...
  30. Jaymz

    Slime Disease - Bit Of Advice Please.

    We don't have any charcoal in the filter anyway, so that's not an issue. I noticed the fish were hiding, not eating, ragged/clamped fins, flicking/rubbing against things yes, so as soon as I'd looked it up we went and got the meds. The pond's about 4,100 litres but the Shubs are only about an...
  31. Jaymz

    Slime Disease - Bit Of Advice Please.

    Ok seems our Pond's got Slime Disease parasites in it - fish have been lethargic, not eating, flicking/rubbing against stuff and one's passed on. Seems to have set in pretty quickly as a couple of days ago they were splendid and suddenly they're all velvety and have ragged fins. We started a...
  32. Jaymz

    Adding More Gourami.

    Quick question, my tank has two Pearl and two Golds that've been there maybe two years, and I fancied a couple more of each. Would new, smaller 'Ramis be ok or would they get bullied by the elders, as I hear they can be an agressive fish sometimes. Cheers.
  33. Jaymz

    Online Equipment Shopping

    I too am interested if anyone's had any experience with this site. Noticed a lot of things are cheaper there, however as with any bargain, I sensed something amiss. Spider-sense and all that.
  34. Jaymz

    96 Litre Tank For Sale.

    Enormous bump. Tank's still for sale, but now has Tetratec EX600 filter included. All media trays, taps, spraybar and strainer included. Media NOT included, and there's SOME hosing for connecting the filter to the tank, but can easily get some more. Seeking 130ish
  35. Jaymz

    More Alage Issues.

    Fair enough then, cheers. I'll post back when I get the new powerhead and whatnot. Many thanks.
  36. Jaymz

    More Alage Issues.

    Question question question. Would the blackout technique be any good for my hair algae problem? Wrapping the tank in bin liners or something similar for a few days is what I heard. Recommended or not? Cheers.
  37. Jaymz

    More Alage Issues.

    The new co2 timings seem to be making my plants grow a little healthier and the algae may be slowing slightly. I'll get my hands on a pump in the next week or so, will come back when I have more news. Thanks!
  38. Jaymz

    More Alage Issues.

    Is it better to have the co2 go off after the lights? I was sure I was told before to let the co2 be 'used up' by the plants before the lights went off. About powerheads then - Any experiences with the Koralia models? Or is there a better recommendation? I want something that won't hum loudly...
  39. Jaymz

    More Alage Issues.

    Ok it's now c02 on at eight, lights on at ten, c02 off at four, lights off at six. I was getting properly confused with times I was stressing out downstairs just now lol. Could this mess-up with the timings be cause for my plants to be growing so badly by any chance?
  40. Jaymz

    More Alage Issues.

    I was thinking of changing the filter for something with a higher LPH (about 800) taking it to 4x, and could add a Koralia 1 I guess, taking it up to 2,300ish LPH. Something I just noticed now, I'm on a ten-hour light period, Co2 coming on two hours before and going off two hours before as...