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  1. R

    Pictus Catfish With Corydoras

    Thanks for your replies. As I thought the corys were probably to big to eat but who know what will happen becaus if I move the Pictus I would get two or three more. Then would I have a problem of a bigger 5 inch Pictus with the new smaller ones? "but if you are looking for something that...
  2. R

    Pictus catfish with Red tail black shark

    I have a Pictus with an Albino shark in a fairly small tank (soon to move to a bigger home) and they seem to ignore each other. They had occasional small fights were when they were both smaller but now they just ignor each other. The pictus spends most of the day time in his cave and the shark...
  3. R

    Pictus Catfish With Corydoras

    At the moment I have two 2ft tanks. (60L) In one of these I have a Pictus catfish who at 5in long is rapidly outgrowing his tank with an Angel who is now 6 plus inches high. My plan is to merge two tanks into one much bigger tank (240+ L) but I was wondering if the Pictus would annoy the...
  4. R

    Prawns And A New Home For A Pictus.

    Hello, My first post. Hope you don't mind but I have two questions. 1. I have a Pictus and I think I read somewhere that they love Prawns. I would like to give mine a treat but dont want to give him anything he shouldn't have. Also he shares the tank with an Albino shark and a large Angel. The...