Search results

  1. darrel69

    Fish Tank For Sale.....

    Thanks... although not many people seem to be interested, maybe its too near christmas :S
  2. darrel69

    Fish Tank For Sale.....

    Hi, i have my tank for sale... ive just moved house again and i dont have the time for it anymore, plus im having work done and its just gunna get in the way.. So till another time in the future, everythin must go. For sale is, a Juwel Trigon 190. Beech Cabinet in great condidtion, Tank is too...
  3. darrel69

    Juwel Trigon Light Unit

    Thanks for the info xweegtx, but yes, i am buggered also lol.. :((
  4. darrel69

    Juwel Trigon Light Unit

    If nobody knows, does anyone know if id get it replaced at pets at home ? i bought it from there jan2008..
  5. darrel69

    Juwel Trigon Light Unit

    Anyone any ideas ? i do want it workin in one peice btw lol..
  6. darrel69

    Juwel Trigon Light Unit

    Hi.. sorry, this was posted in the wrong section.. But, the light unit (t5) on my trigon has all of a sudden decided to play-up.. just tried to switch the lights on earlier with the switch and they came on for like a second, then went off again. Flipped the swich again, and again but nothing...
  7. darrel69

    Juwel Trigon Light Unit

    hi.. it was bought jan2008 from pets@home.. you think it will still be under warranty ?
  8. darrel69

    Juwel Trigon Light Unit

    hi, the light unit (t5) on my trigon has all of a sudden decided to play-up.. just tried to switch the lights on earlier with the switch and they came on for like a second, then went off again. Flipped the swich again, and again but nothing.. so unplugged it, re-plugged and the same keeps...
  9. darrel69

    Sale : Juwel Vision 450

    hi, sorry its gone.. im sure this was meant to be deleted already.. soz
  10. darrel69

    Sale : Juwel Vision 450

    Thanks, it is yeah.. im sad to see it go.. but i am takin a selected few fish with me.. theres some i cant let go lol..
  11. darrel69

    Sale : Juwel Vision 450

    GONE NOW, THANKS Hi, I have for sale a Juwel Vision 450 aquarium. Its 5ft long, about 2ft high and about 2ft wide. It holds 450 litres, is beach in colour. Its in Great condition, been well looked after!.. Though it has very small scatches on the front from general use/cleaning ect, they're...
  12. darrel69

    Nitrate Remover

    Hi... Correct me if im wrong, but very low levels of Nitrate = better fish growth and fin development. Does that just apply to 'Growin Out' fry ?? Or would very low levels of Nirate help juvies grow quicker too ?? Or maybe better fin development in adults ?? Or are Adults to far grown for...
  13. darrel69

    'blacked-out' Background

    Whats a halide ?? :blink:
  14. darrel69

    'blacked-out' Background

    Am lookin at ideas for re'scapin my tank and ive come across this guys malawi tank pic he posted on another forum HERE... I really like how he's 'blacked out' his background and tank sides, and got quite bright light hitting the centre front. But cant get my head round how he may have done it ...
  15. darrel69

    Recommend Me Some Food Please

    Gelatin's ok but Agar Agar would be better as its the vegetarian alternative to Gelatin (which contains animal protein) and would be easier for your fish to digest... especially since your already adding prawns. :good:
  16. darrel69


    Externals may look scarey but they aint lol, really... Your not gunna get an external that will turn your tank over enough times by itselfs for a fully stocked cichlid tank, your gunna need at least two. Your jumbo & an external, or two externals. Which ever you choose, get either a...
  17. darrel69


    I had some Vallis which was shredded to peices by my mbuna within a few days.. the only plant of mine that they left alone was the Anubias.
  18. darrel69


    Yea, the JuwelJumbo will turn your tank over just over 3x, so its a good idea to install another to bring that number up to about 8x or 10x (a good number to aim for with cichlids.. though 6x is good enough for juvies.).. If you want an external, i reccomend a Tetratec ex1200. They're...
  19. darrel69

    Juwel Heater..

    Thanks for the idea Victor, i may try that later... Anyways.. My main heater looks as though its going..Its set at 26C but past week i noticed the temp of the tank going down slightly each day, and when i got up this morning it was 22C :S So i need a new one and i went to the lfs earlier but...
  20. darrel69

    Juwel Heater..

    That manual shows the one which shows what temp its set too...
  21. darrel69

    Juwel Heater..

    A mate gave me some spares he had after giving up the hobby for a long while, and in these 'spares' included a heater.. well, ive just come to use it and realised it has nothing on it to say what temp its set too ?? :S :S :S Its a Juwel heater, 300watt, with a blue and green dial at the top...
  22. darrel69

    Sand In Your Tropical Fish Aquarium

    Yea, i wanted it slightly speckled though. :D
  23. darrel69

    How Many Chiclids......?

    If your going to stock with Malawi's.. id slightly overstock to minimize aggression, say about 15/16. Also, keep away from any overly aggressive species. Kribensis is right, if your gunna stock with Malawi's.. Malawi's only!! :good:
  24. darrel69

    Sand In Your Tropical Fish Aquarium

    Done mean to hijack.. but does anyone know where i can get some brown, fine or extra fine, River Sand from ?? Cant seem to find it on the net.. :S Thanks.
  25. darrel69

    Malawi Cichlid I.d Help

    Im not sure what those in the first pic are.. but they're nicely coloured!! The fish in the second pic may be a little young for an accurate ID, but looks like some kind of peacock or hap.
  26. darrel69

    I Love My Mbuna

    Well they're there to make money and will try to sell you everything and anything they can lol, even if you dont really need it... they probably do know about fishless cycling, but would rather you cycled with a fish so you buy something off them. Its a good idea to ask people on here advice...
  27. darrel69

    I Love My Mbuna

    Cool vid... you know that auratus can be quite aggressive, right ? I agree, my tank is also full of character and personalities lol.. Uusually, in most fish stores, the customers know more about cycling/fish/ect than the assistants do. :rolleyes:
  28. darrel69

    What Kind Of Rocks Do You Use

    Looks nice, but it soon turns green/brown/yellow with algae... also, its never happened to me and i dont mean to put you off but ive heard of people's fish getting stuck inside the holes of ocean rock. :crazy:
  29. darrel69

    Product Reviews..

    :crazy: Nooooooooo........ i like the Dark Side Lol..
  30. darrel69

    Product Reviews..

    Come on Admin/Moderators.. know your about somewhere Lol.. Feel a protest coming on.. *We Want Reviews* *We Want Reviews* *We Want Reviews* *We Want Reviews* *We Want Reviews* *We Want Reviews* *We Want Reviews* :lol:
  31. darrel69

    Gravel Or Sand?

    Lol, exactly.
  32. darrel69

    What Kind Of Rocks Do You Use

    I use River Cobbles and think they're great, though a little heavy.. i think slate looks good also. There arnt many rocks that are light.. unless they're fake.
  33. darrel69

    Product Reviews..

    Yea thats what i thought.. or what if someone asked for a review/rating of another product in the diy section, would that post get deleted ? i dont think it would.. See what the Mods think..
  34. darrel69

    Tang Vs Malawi

    Its quite a hard choice really... personally, for Malawi it would be Mbuna.. or for Tanganyika it would Tropheus :hyper: 150litre would be a great 'grow out' tank.. you might want something a little smaller though for fry... Some articles you may be interested in HERE :good: Yea, i use egg...
  35. darrel69

    Help With New 6x2x2 Stock List

    Having more than one species from the same genus and they're likely to hybridize. :crazy: .. Which maybe ok if the hybrids never leave your tank. But if your wanting to breed them, i wouldnt recommend it. Youve got a big choice of species with a tank that size.. is there no other your...
  36. darrel69

    Product Reviews..

    Ok well noticing the 'Simular Threads' topics below.. apparantly its been suggested before but is a no-no for legal reasons :angry: -_- :huh:
  37. darrel69

    Product Reviews..

    Great... yea, it would be really useful. Ive also visited other forums just to use their review section lol. Sure you could use the DIY section to for the odd review, but i think it deserves a section of its own. Reviews/Ratings for Filters/Pumps/media ect aswell as Lighting, Water treatments...
  38. darrel69

    Gravel Or Sand?

    Sand is much preferred, but not absolutely essential... Africans like to dig, burrow ect so youll miss out with having gravel. If it were me, id go through the mess and change it.. up to you though. :good:
  39. darrel69

    Product Reviews..

    Has anyone ever thought of having a 'Product Review/Rating' section??.. Theres a few products i have in mind that id like to hear other peoples opinion/experience with, and im sure other people do too. Maybe also a subsection of where certain 'hard to find' products can be found??.. Please...
  40. darrel69

    Juwel Rio 400 Heating

    Lol ok.. :rolleyes: