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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. M

    Looking For A Local Club?

    Club Name: SCAPE Meetings: SoCali mostly 3rd sunday of the month Website: Coast 1st sunday of the month 1PM 1845 Park Avenue, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 long list of clubs in the states.
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    Heiko Bleher @ Coast August 2, 2009 So Cali The next COAST meeting will be on the first Sunday of August. August 2, 2009 NOON - 6PM COSTA MESA NEIGHBORHOOD COMMUNITY CENTER, 1845 Park Avenue, Costa Mesa California Guests are always...
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    So Cali Coast Club April 5th, 2009 1pm Guest Speaker Barbie

    Our April Guest Speaker will be Barbie Speaking on Catfish and Plecostomus April 5th, 2009 1 PM COSTA MESA NEIGHBORHOOD COMMUNITY CENTER, 1845 Park Avenue, Costa Mesa Barbie is an avid hobbyist with a very understanding husband! They currently maintain about 1600 gallons of water in 28...
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    120 Gallon Update

    cpd threadfins lamp eye killis ember tetra Sawbwa resplendens Apistograma borelli Pseudomugil gertrudae kuhli loaches and more to come....
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    New Calico Plecos

    these ill be holding on to to grow out to breed.
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    120 Gallon Update

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    New Calico Plecos

    new to the tank so they havent found all the good hiding spots yet.
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    New Calico Plecos

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    Video Of Apistos And Kuhli Loach

    hope this works.
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    25+ Plant Package And Endlers Pacakge

    low light - medium light starter plant package. $30 plus shipping val spirals val corkscrew sags java fern flame moss riccia Mayaca fluviatilis small amazon sword clover anacharis guppy grass ammannia gracilis myriophyllum elatinoides giant hygro willow hygro needle leaf java fern rotala indica...
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    Southern California C.o.a.s.t Sunday February 1st 2009 10am Tom Waltze C.O.A.S.T Sunday February 1th 2009 special time 10am Coffee and Donuts will be provided Our February Guest Speaker will be Tom Waltzek Speaking on Loaches There will be a auction and raffle after the presentation.
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    C.o.a.s.t Sunday December 7th 2008 Holiday Potluck, Vin Kutty, Topic: C.O.A.S.T Sunday December 7th 2008 holiday potluck and speaker Vin Kutty Topic: Pike Cichlids Photographer, chemist, world traveler, fish collector, author, Bolivian land baron (okay, okay—small-chunk-of-undeveloped-landthat’s...
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    C.o.a.s.t Sunday October 5th 2008 Dr. Anthony Mazeroll Sunday October 5th 2008 1 PM Our Guest speaker will be Dr. Anthony Mazeroll Dr. Mazeroll, Professor of Biology and Environmental Studies at Soka University of America, spent part of his summer doing field research on the population genetics of wild angelfish and...
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    C.o.a.s.t Sunday September 7th 2008 Dr. Timothy A. Hovanec Sunday, September 7th, 2008 1pm Our Guest speaker will be Dr. Timothy A. Hovanec Water Quality for Cichlids The President of DrTim's Aquatics is Dr. Timothy A. Hovanec who, for 17 years, was the Chief Science Officer of Aquaria Inc., the parent company of...
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    C.o.a.s.t Sunday, May 4th, 2008 Dan Woodland Southern Califorina Sunday, May 4th, 2008 1AM May guest speaker Dan Woodland Dan has been involved in the aquarium hobby since the age of ten. His illness began when his parent’s purchased a ten-gallon tank where he spawned black mollies for the first time. At that point he was...
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    Co2 Spike

    do you leave your co2 on over night? could it be its going yellow every night you just dont see it?
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    10 Plants Plus One Package $35 Shipped

    this is a 10 plant low light starter package. $35 shipped only have 2 of these guppy grass, java fern, needle leaf java fern, hornwort, vals, water sprite, crypt, anacharis, java moss plus another my choice and toss in a extra portion of one of the other plants. paypal only any questions pm me.
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    10 Yellow Shrimp $40 Shipped

    last bump
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    10 Yellow Shrimp $40 Shipped

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    10 Yellow Shrimp $40 Shipped

    these are 10 juvenile yellow shrimp these will cross breed with cherry shrimp and should be placed in a another tank.
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    Angelfish Spawning

    i might leave them the first 1 or two times. if i dont see any wigglers ill pull them and hatch them my self. i would rather have it done in the tank but sometimes its hard.....
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    Paired Up Angels.....

    does look a lot alike.
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    Paired Up Angels.....

    no..... they will be moved. its a 120 gal tank. plenty of room for now. i just bought a 29 gal tank for them last night.
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    Yellow Shrimp And Snowball Shrimp With Vid

    two different tanks. they will cross breed if kept together.
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    New Rack 6 Tanks

    just water....... i had just put the water in the last tank. not sure what will go in all of them but a couple will be shrimp tanks. maybe a apisto tank.
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    New Rack 6 Tanks

    dont mind the crap in back.
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    Racks Of Tanks

    not all but a lot. some have t5 some have CFL. as you can see they work fine.
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    Racks Of Tanks

    lowes sams club costco all have the wire racks that can hold the tanks. i seen someone put 50 gal on each one but did support it in the middle on the back part of the rack. they have some that can even support 100 gall tanks. my next one i am setting up holds 6 tanks.