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  1. D

    Breeding Question

    defrost the brine first, and or use a turkey baster
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    Why Did You Pick Your Username? :p

    mine is just one of the few names i use online. comes from division by zero erros from when i was a programmer.
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    Amzon Leaf Fish?

    true, they do seem to be cleaner than most live eaters i've seen. i'm just glad i got more info before throwing the harless looking guys in with my tetras
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    Amzon Leaf Fish?

    yeah same with me. While i do have a tank of platties where some of the fry are more than likely eaten, i would not be able to bring myself to buy feeder fish, nor would i want the extra mess and cleaning that goes along with feeding live fish.
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    What Do You Add To Your Ro Water?

    why would you want to unpurify the water?
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    Guppies Breeding Like Rabbits

    guppies tend to multiply when they get wet
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    Amzon Leaf Fish?

    they have them all the time at my LFS. i was asking a guy about them once and he threw in a couple small feeders as he was telling me they do not mix well with small fish.
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    i would still throw a HOB on there, i was just referring to it for creating a current. I guess the UGF would not be needed, you could just do power heards but the UGF would give better current.
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    me and a friend had this conversation the other day. the best idea we came up with would be 2 small power heads hooked to an undergravel filter with a head in each corner on one side blowing across the tank. I was thinking about setting up a 20g long like this for some tetras.
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    Bettas And Shrimp...

    I safely keep ghost shrimp in with my betta. while they are almost as big as him now, he never bothered them when they were little.
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    2 Dead Corries!

    got home and one of my older albino cories was dead, it came with the tank so i have no idea how old it was. Did a full water test and ph was a little high at 7.8 but all nitrate, nitrite and amonia were all at 0. All the other fish appear fine and no signs of anything wrong with any tetras or...
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    2 Dead Corries!

    i tested mine last night to be sure and the reading was at 0 for amonia and nitrates
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    2 Dead Corries!

    yes, the other readings are low on the chart, sorry i've not got them committed to memory. PH i want to say about 6.8, my readings were coming up the same every week so i've cut back on readings and just stay regular with the changes. they were rather small, maybe 1.25" when i got them. I've...
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    2 Dead Corries!

    i bought them as either green or jewel cories, not sure which but they are not dyed. by desired i mean all levels are within desired parameters, 0 amnonia and minimum nitrate/nitrate. I do not know if they came from the wild or where, but they are a more reputable place than the standard LFS...
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    Update On My Platy Fry

    i had similar experience, but i know who the daddy is. I 'found' 1 fry one day and since have been watching a lot closer. It may be frowned upon but i do nothing special to separate the pregnant females. my 2nd batch produced 2 fry that i've since not seen, but last week and the week before i...
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    Made These For My Bettas

    i go to the local garden stone shop for all my slate needs. $.37 a lb is a lot better than the 2.00+ per pound at the LFS's. All the rock pictured below was about $60.00, but the desert coral was heavy and pricier. and oh, i do like the, i'm going to do the same with some slate leftovers for my...
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    2 Dead Corries!

    i've lost 4 of the 6 green cories i bought and have not seen any stats outside of the desired ranges.
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    New Tank Compatibility

    in a tank that big and with that many you should be fine, but only way to tell is do it and keep an eye on it. I've got 10 TBs with my gourami's and they don't bother them at all, they are way too busy fighting over food and looking for ghost shrimp.
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    Random Planting Strategy..

    i started the same way, but quickly learned i need a better light. I've had good luck with wysteria, corkscrew vilaria, ludwigia, java fern and of course hornwart but i've taken most of that out.
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    10 Pics Of My Rats

    hmmmmmm, think i'll stick to fish.
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    Favourite Pc Games

    currently sucked into Puzzle Quest, it's a great combination of RPG/Puzzle with some Magic The Gathering thrown in.
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    My 28 Gal Cichlid Tank

    they may well leave the corkscrew alone, from what i've read. you may run into some size issues though, as those cichlids will get fairly big.
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    My Revived Tank

    love the 'spartan' look, wish i could accomplish it
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    Breeding Zebra Danios

    they are egg scatterers but will also eat the eggs and fry. Line your spawning tank with about 2" of marbles, this will allow the eggs to drop to where they can not be eaten easily, then remove the female after spawning.
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    75 Gallon Redone - My Saga

    i was also planning on adding 6 or so TBs, prolly green, to my mbuna tank. I love the TB's i have in my community and i've read they make great dither fish.
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    I Bought Some "spider Wood" Today..

    yacht varnish :blink:
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    How Many Tanks And How Much Time Do You Spend On Them?

    55g planted community(pictured below) about 1.5 hr a week. I've got the water changes down to about 20 minutes and rarely have to do any pruning or replanting, so mainly just feeding and the occasional test. this is in view of my PC so i watch it quite often. 29g community with platty, molly...
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    Tiger Barbs ( What Other Fish Can I Keep With These)

    i've got 10 TB in my 55g community that has both gourami and tetra, and have had no issues. Originally when there were only 4 there was more aggression. I'm leaning towards putting the gourami in another tank so i can add some Green TB's and maybe some rasbora as the TB's are becoming my favorites
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    Pseudotropheus What?

    as always thanks, you've been a big help. i'm surely enjoying my new little guys :drool:
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    Filter Problem

    i've got one that stops on me, either a gentle tap or taking the suction tube on and off gets it going again.
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    Fish Changing Colors

    i've found that some fish will lose color on the way home, but usually gain it back, and eventually even gain more color after being on a better diet.
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    Could I Build A Stand Out Of 4' Pvc For A 55g?

    would have to see the design. a 55g tank filled will be pushing 600lbs, so unless you're planning on stacking 100 pieces vertically cut the same size, it's doubtful.
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    Smelly Aquarium Water

    do you have any plastic ornaments with dead space in them? I've found anything that traps water in it tends to stink if not flushed good.
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    Pseudotropheus What?

    I thought i knew what they were after researching and comparing to bigger ones in the tank but now am not sure.
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    Do You Have A Specific Favourite Fish?

    toss up between peacock eel, love how they 'float' around. or tiger barbs, because it's such a big fish in a little body.
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    I Messed It Up... Is This Bad?

    picked this phrase up from a LFS guy who was telling us about his 75g SW with a 75g refuge back when me and my buddy were 1st getting into this fish thing.
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    Stocking Help

    looks can be deceiving! I spent a lot of time outside the tank stacking and shaping rocks. All the base rocks are to the bottom of tank, the big piece on the 2 black rocks wouldn't wobble with me pushing on it. The same for all the other structures, there is little to no wobble when pushed on. I...
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    I Messed It Up... Is This Bad?

    the reason is to get the fish used to your water parameters. what i do is float the bag and pour one shot glass of water in about every 5-10 minutes for about 45 minutes. there are a few reasons not to pour the lfs water in your tank, you don't know what kind of nasties are in there and the...
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    My Big Pink Kisser

    i have no idea how old mine is, but it's no where that big.
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    Clown Loach And Flying Fox

    wasn't sure, I know gallons are :rolleyes: