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    Discus And Tetras

    Ok, so I just put in some ner neon tetras in my tank, and my 3 bbaby discus pecked all there eyes out. Why? Can I prevent it?
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    Discus Pics Finaly

    Cool! Howd you do it? Can you come over to my house some time and we can do it with my discus?
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    Discus Partners

    Ok, I know im disobeying the "laws" but I have 3 discus in a 29 gallon tank, they are all babies and I will be putting them in a 55 in the next few months. Tank mates are 1 speckeld cory, 6 ghost shrimp, and 2 snails (blue mysterie, ivory mysterie). Any suggestions for tank mates now or in the...
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    Discus Problems

    I dont have a camera available right now but there not really dots, more like a little blotch, like a dark red vein or something like that.
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    What Discus Are These?

    Yea, ive also see some pigeon bloods that look like that
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    Discus Problems

    Ok, so I have a 55 gallon fish tank with 3 discus in it. My first problem is that my smallest one (a red pigeon blood) is getting picked on by the medium sized one (a red turqouise) rlentlessly foe about a week, will it stop? My second problem is that my biggest one ( I bought him today, and...
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    Sand In My Tank

    Ok, well the aquarium sand at the store isnt the color I want Can i put reptile sand in it or will it harm them?
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    Sand In My Tank

    Crsp sorry I put this in AfricanMy badMeant crap
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    Sand In My Tank

    Ok, I want to put sand in my Discus tank, but the aquarium sand isnt the color I want Could I put Reptile sand in my tank instead?
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    Can I put sand in my Discus tank or will it harm them in some way?