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  1. D

    My Crazy Cycle.....

    i am using the api master kit which i only bought around 7-8 weeks ago, i have just finished changing the water so i guess ill have to start over!
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    My Crazy Cycle.....

    No nitrate in the tap water and as far as i know the filter sponge is 'normal', the water goes through the sponge and then through a pouch of ceramic rings and a pouch of carbon pellets, there are also some plastic 'bio balls' which i have no idea what they do! Any ideas what can be stoppiing...
  3. D

    My Crazy Cycle.....

    I added 5ml of ammonia at the very beginning, this took around 4 weeks to drop to zero. After this i was adding 5ml every time it dropped to zero which was every 12 hours or so. It is an 80 litre tank. Nitrites have never beeen at any level on the chart- i am getting very tired of seeing those...
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    My Crazy Cycle.....

    Hoping someone can make some sense of this as my patience is wearing thinner by the day! I started cycling with ammonia 6 weeks ago- added ammonia and waited. And waited. About 4 weeks later the ammonia was finally gone, some progress perhaps. For the next 3 or 4 days i was adding ammonia...
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    Any Bright Ideas?

    thats puzzling me too! there is nothing else added to the water just ammonia and dechlorinator, there are two rocks and three fake plants and the gravel so i have no clue what is going on!
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    Any Bright Ideas?

    no mature media in there unfortunately- just dechlorinator and ammonia! are any of those filter treatments any use to me or will the ammonia already in there make them useless?
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    Any Bright Ideas?

    im hopeful that someone can figure out what my tank is doing before i throw it out the window! i started cycling with ammonia two weeks ago - added enough to bring the ammonia to 6ppm (well actually a little darker that 6 on the api liquid test). that was two weeks ago yesterday - i have just...
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    Stands For A 20 Gallon Tank

    i bought the same tank last week! mine came with a stand included but a quick search found the stand for sale seperately at for £35
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    Pentazona Barbs....

    thats good to know i thought that 4 might be a big enough group for them. can i get an idea what other fish you have in with them? as i said i am still trying to get some ideas for what to put in as this is my first tank. am i right in thinking that they should be among the last fish i add so...
  10. D

    Pentazona Barbs....

    thanks guys- i am thinking of eventually having 4 pentazonas with 4 guppies and 6 tetras of some description it should be a nice colourful mix! i am glad to see you have a high opinion of the pentazonas!
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    Pentazona Barbs.....

    thats great thanks! the tankmates i had in mind for them were some guppies and some tetras so hopefully they are peaceful enough! i agree with you on how great they look too!
  12. D

    Pentazona Barbs....

    thanks for that - i saw a picture of them and thought they were great looking fish but was a bit worried about their behaviour! you think they will be fine with guppies or platys or similar? also are they as easily available as tiger barbs? thanks again for your help
  13. D

    Pentazona Barbs.....

    i am in the process of cycling my first tank and while i am waiting i have been giving some thought to who is going to live there! i read a profile of pentazona barbs which made it seem like they look a lot like tiger barbs but dont come with the nipping tendencies - is this a reasonably fair...
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    Pentazona Barbs....

    i am in the process of cycling my first tank and while i am waiting i have been giving some thought to who is going to live there! i read a profile of pentazona barbs which made it seem like they look a lot like tiger barbs but dont come with the nipping tendencies - is this a reasonably fair...
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    Starting From Scratch!

    Thats a great help thank you! I was concerned that having only artificial plants may cause some problems as the dont contribute anything to the water like real plants. Would i need some sort of algae eating fish or would the merry little band you suggest fare ok by themselves?
  16. D

    Starting From Scratch!

    I have read and re-read the fishless cycling topics and think i might be getting close to understanding! Thats good to know about the white clouds as i had been led to believe they would be almost the best fish to start with so thanks for setting me straight. Your suggestion sounds very nice...
  17. D

    Starting From Scratch!

    Hi guys i have just bought my first tank and am hoping to draw on the wealth of experience on here! The tank is an 80 litre and some of the fish i am thinking of are guppies, tetras of some sort, danios, harlequin rasboras and white clouds - basically fish that i have read are good for...