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    United States Fish Store Directory

    Well I can now sum up some stores Greenville South Carolina ************************** Petsmart Location: Highway 29, just inside taylors Variety/Selection: 8 Cleanliness and Quality: 7 Staff Friendliness and Knowledge: 9 General Traffic Situation: :fun: Smily Rating :good: Summary...
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    Activity Question

    Not Albino, And I think my sister solved this one, It seems that oxygen wasn't getting into the water (could of been what killed the other swordtail) and when she raised the bubble wand to max the remaining swordtail perked up after a little while. Since then its been left at max while its cycling.
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    Is It True That The Tank Doesn't Need Bubbles?

    I had my water level up to the release section of the HOB filter, and this didn't do well for oxygenation of the water it seems. My sister found that my remaining swordtail will sit around not looking good until she turns the bubble wand up (I had it lowered to reduce noise from the filter)...
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    New Here - My Stats ;]

    frankly, don't touch the Ph, yes it is high but unless you have a fish that is sensitive to Ph level, DON'T TOUCH IT. Contrary to popular belief most fish will accept a great variaty of Ph levels.
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    Total Tank Clean

    I like my HOB filter, no noise and moves alot of water, plus adds oxygen to the tank.
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    Well the odd thing is my test strips (which they have the same ones btw) are showing .25PPM, two tests cant be wrong, can they? And I've pointed this out that when watching them and theirs is also showing .25PPM of Nitrites. Water sample is maybe 5 minutes old, more or less depending on traffic.
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    I did have strips for ammonia (API) however I was none too pleased with these and they read at like 3PPM, however I just got some drops (cheaper by far, and easier to read) and it's only showing at >1PPM. What puzzles me is the Petsmart people tell me I don't have any nitrites and my API test...
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    no, again new tank, new fish. No plants. Held at about 78F, Ive got one over the top filter, it's day five in the cycle, have done 4 water changes, all above 3 gallons. 1 bubble wand in the back. There were only 2 fish in the tank at the time. I'm going to let the other swordtail (assuming he...
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    Well, I just had my first death :-( and worst of all my nice wag swordtail :-( Yesterday took a look right before I got ready for work and he was just swimming up at the top, not looking good and seriously stressed, thinking I had an amonia buildup I removed about 3+ gallons and replaced it...
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    Where Am I Going Wrong.

    I can't be too sure but I think it is overstocked, you have 15 fish there, Not even my 20 gallon is going to get that big.
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    Activity Question

    OK, one of my swordtails isn't near as active as the bigger one, Now when I do a water change or turn the light off he gets a little more active. I wonder if he doesn't seem to prefer the cooler temps (75F) instead of the 79-80 degrees its been at.
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    A Couple Of Newb Questions

    alright, quick update, My ST seem to be doing 100% better since this morning :yahoo: Now swimming around and enjoying themselves. I may be out of luck with a Bristle Nose :-( Petsmart does not stock them, and there are very few fish stores around. However I gathered a list of what might...
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    A Couple Of Newb Questions

    The two ST that I have are both males, and the black sword did get a little agressive at the smaller one the first day. however, they both are swimming along peacfully with no problems. That may change when more fish arrive, but thats not for another month. And I just removed about 3 gallons...
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    A Couple Of Newb Questions

    I thought plecs got large? Anyways, my swordtails don't seemed to be starved for O2, They seem to enjoy the bottom alot (too much for my tastes) and feed at the bottom. My fish did give me something of a scare when I got home, my lighter ST was just sitting in a corner not doing much, a tap on...
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    A Couple Of Newb Questions

    Ok, some background info, I'm 20 years old, like fish (guppies and few others) and my mom bred guppies and bettas for a number of years. However the problem is my mom is no longer availible to help me with this stuff. So a few questions are in order. I know about the 1" to 1g rule, everyone on...