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  1. P

    My 20 Gallon Tank And A Couple Of Its Tenants...

    Well, it's been a while but, unfortunately, the tank has taken a turn for the worse. The twig cat got stuck in the short grass and died and the tank is down to its last few red phantoms (and one glowlight). I'll be transferring those guys to another tank and will refurbish this one. I just...
  2. P

    New Set-up For My 55 Gal

    Amazing what a difference new lighting makes...I'm thinking about doing the same with my lighting. Do-it-yourself, eh? Very carfty...
  3. P

    My 20 Gallon Tank And A Couple Of Its Tenants...

    Thanks for the encouraging, remarks. It also turns out that there is some algae growing on the left side of the acrylic lens protecting my lamp, so it might jsut be a matter of cleaning that out....hopefully :dunno:
  4. P

    10 Litre Aquascape

    Very nice, it gives us newbies something to strive for... :good:
  5. twigcat1a.jpg


  6. otocat1a.jpg


  7. newtank1.jpg


  8. P

    My 20 Gallon Tank And A Couple Of Its Tenants...

    Sorry about the dark pic. I'm still figuring out how to get good shots of the tank without using my flash... My community consists of: 5 Red Phantom tetras 3 Glowlight tetras 3 Bronze corydoras 3 Otocinclus 1 Hisonotus (sold to me as an Oto) 1 Twig catfish 4-5 Ghost shrimp My plants are all...
  9. P

    Algae On Driftwood bleach isn't necessary? I'm hoping not, because I don't want to risk leaving any in the wood before placing it in the tank. Thanks for the recommendations. :good:
  10. P

    Algae On Driftwood

    A friend of mind gave me a piece of driftwood from his tank to add to mine, but it has an abundance of hair algae on it. Can anyone tell me the most effective, yet safe way to remove the algae before adding this to my tank?
  11. P

    My 55g

    Do you have to re-shape your valley after you clean the gravel? That must be a pain.... I think some Java moss would look cool in there too! :good: