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  1. C

    Would a clown loach go with the fish i have?

    In order to get the most out of clown loaches, it would be best to get more than one. They aren't schooling fish, but they are social.
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    Mating behaviour of clown loaches

    That is just clowns being clowns. :D
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    Brochis Splendens

    I picked up two brochis splendens yesterday from my LFS, I had seen them there for months and felt sorry for these two swimming around by themselves. I put them in with several of my bronze corys and they are all getting along great, the corys follow the brochis around and it looks like they...
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    Emporor botia

    You definetly do not have an emperor loach there, while it could be a green tiger loach, I would say it is more likely a Botia Helodes. Either way, both are described as shy but agressive and needing soft water and have a max size of 8 inches. Here is an interesting article that may help The...
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    I wouldn't recommend a pair of rams in anything less than a 20 gallon tank. :no: You could try a single ram, but I would not put a pictus in a tank that size, maybe a trio of cories, but they are happier in bigger groups.
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    Best Algae Eater

    You could get a timer for your lights, thereby reducing the hours per day that your lights are on. I have one for all my tanks, they are great because you don't have to worry about forgetting to turn the lights on or off (which I had done many times).
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    Puffer Fish Gets A Brand New Smile

    I found this article and thought everyone here would enjoy reading it. Link to Article Puffer Fish Gets A Brand New Smile ARIZONA — A puffer fish has a brand-new smile, thanks to modern dentistry! This poor puffer's teeth were so overgrown, it was an ordeal to get food in its mouth. In the...
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    Thanks for the tips

    In order for my yoyos to get a taste for the snails, I plucked a few out and then crushed their shells and dropped them back in so that the yoyos had easy access to the snail's deliciously, delicate insides. :sick: After that, they figured out how to get the snails. :clap:
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    I need more lighting

    Hey Canoechiq! Thanks for pointing out that link to the lamp at Rona. I was just looking for cheap lighting options and was about to search Rona's site when I found this thread.
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    Maximum weight a concrete floor can take

    If all your numbers are right, 800lb/820in2 = 0.97 psi. This is 0.006894757 MPa, and most concrete is typically designed for 20 - 25 MPa strength, provided you haven't placed the tank in the centre of an enormously unsupported section of floor, you should be fine. It will really depend on the...
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    The Resident Loach

    Welcome to the forum! Loaches are by far my favorite fish too!
  12. C

    Snail crunchers

    Yoyo loaches are another type that stay fairly small, and around here are a bit more common than botia striata (zebra/stripped loach).
  13. C

    Stupid bristlenose!!

    I have a yoyo loach that likes to vacation in my filter from time to time. He will spend hours trying to jump into the filter outflow, and then splashes about once inside. Once he has spent some time playing there and I put him back in the tank he is fine and won't try it again for a few week...
  14. C

    Snails driving me mad!

    After the last snail disappears, leave the loaches in for a while longer just incase there are numerous batches of snail eggs waiting to hatch in your aquarium. I had a great experience using yoyo loaches to eradicate snails in a small tank.
  15. C

    New Fishywishys!!!

    Here is a site all about setting up a shell dwelling cichlid tank.
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    my christmas gift

    Holy crap! That is a BIG fish!! :hyper:
  17. C

    Help to identify this fish?

    I don't know prices, but these guys prefer a fast moving current and don't get very big.
  18. C

    Can You Feel The Music All Around You?

    Cool, welcom to TFF. Hope you enjoy it here.
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    Lighting question

    I have got a triple tube light strip by All-Glass for my 33 gallon tank and it currently has the bulbs that it came with. I want to encourage plant growth in the tank and am in the process of completing a DIY CO2 systems, what I want to know is: Are there better bulbs for plants? My LFS...
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    Killer ~ my bfs Pleco

    Well that looks an awful lot like mine, I hope my guy doesn't get to be that size. :crazy: I had always thought that bristlenoses didn't go much beyond 5", guess I learned something new.
  21. C

    What's your DIY Carbon Dioxide recipe?

    Thanks for all the great ideas, gelatin is something I had not read about. I am in the process of building my CO2 system and will probably try the gelatin option with some wine yeast from my local brew shop (LBS?), all I need is the bulkhead fittings that I ordered from a model shop.
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    Pleco ID

    Well I won't hold that against you. :P :lol: I love crustaceans! I always bring a case of them back on the plane when I make trips east.... sooooo tasty. :D
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    Finally got my 370 Gallon home!

    I can't think of a specific tank setup, there are so many different species that I would want to try. My first choice would be African cichlids followed by the twisted guppy experiment described by others (buy two or three and see what happens).
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    Pleco ID

    Hey DarkSide, I just have quick question for ya. First, welcome to the forums. Judging by your avatar I'd say you are a displaced Easterner living in Fort Mc, am I right? I am from PEI and have lived in Calgary for 6 years, if you are ever down here you should check out Gold Aquariums, they...
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    Killer ~ my bfs Pleco

    12 inches? Are you sure that is a starlight bristlenose (L182 and L183)? :no: I have a L183 and he is only about 4.5 inches, and according to PlanetCatfish they only get to 4". Mine hasn't shown any growth in months, please don't tell me PlanetCatfish is wrong.
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    New Clown Plec

    I've got one just like that one. I just have to look REALLY hard to find him. :D My wife laughs when I put the red lense on my MagLite and site in the dark looking at my plecos. :blink: (Maybe it is weird)
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    Finally got my 370 Gallon home!

    Wow, this thread came back from the dead! Of course, rereading it makes me so jealous. Maybe as a New Year's gift we will get an update or some pictures! :/
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    Feeding clown loaches

    Blood worms are loved by mine, as well as Hikari sinking carnivore pellets, spirulina discs and algae wafers.
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    History Lesson

    Mmmm.. your latest tank looks awesome. What is the current stocking in it?
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    My Plec

    Wow! That is a great looling plec! :cool:
  31. C

    wat are good loaches to cycle?

    Loaches are much too sensitive to water conditions to consider using them to cycle a tank.:o Can you do a fishless cycle or seed your filter in another tank first?
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    Snail BOOM

    I had the same problem :crazy:, and I just got two yoyo loaches for my snail problem. They are tiny right now (later they will join my full grown yoyos), so I am assisting them by doing the sunken piece of lettuce every couple days. I think it will be a slow process, but at least it is...
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    Mopani Mystery...

    If you have a big enough stock pot (I have a large one for making home brewed beer) you can boil your wood in the pot. I have found that if you simmer the wood for 2 hours you won't have any/much tanins anymore.
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    Forced to move my 33 gal office tank

    I got everything moved and the tank is set back up. I am now floating the bagged fish, and will slowly mix tank water into their bags. Unfortunately I do have one bit of bad news, my best looking German Blue Ram did not make it. My three other females and one male are okay so far and I hope...
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    Forced to move my 33 gal office tank

    Thanks djdotnet, I actually haven't fed them in about 36 hours. Yesterday was a statutory holiday here, so they weren't fed. If you hadn't mentioned that I might have fed the little beggars today. :thumbs:
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    Forced to move my 33 gal office tank

    pH wont' be a problem as I have looked into that. Unfortunately, I have to make at least two trips just due to the size of my vehicle. Everything could be done in one trip if it wasn't for the stand. I expect the fish will only be in bags for no more than two hours. Is that a safe period of...
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    Forced to move my 33 gal office tank

    So I have to move my 33 gallon tank home today from my office, and will have to do it in several steps. I am looking for any advice people may have on how to do this better than I currently plan. CURRENT PLAN: 1. Bag fishies and place bags into room temp cooler filled with bubble wrap. 2...
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    Clown loach

    The following is from This describes my expereince too. The obviously dominant one in my tank is often gray. Hope that helps. :thumbs:
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    I am having some trouble with the nitrites

    Maybe it is time to invest in a new nitrite test kit? :dunno:
  40. C

    Support TFF more!

    Considering the assistance and knowledge I have recieved from this site, I would definetly contribute if there was an option. :cool: