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  1. S

    Problem With My Zooanthids

    If my zoo's are being eaten, i could remove them and dip them? what would you recommend to kill off any potential predators?
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    Problem With My Zooanthids

    How did you get rid of them and how do you think they arrived in the first place?
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    Problem With My Zooanthids

    Guys, I have a problem with my zooanthids, i have two different types, brown and orange clusters. They have been happy in my 90 gallon tank for 6 month or so, over the last three weeks i have noticed receeding/thinning. I keep fish, inverts, Nem, softies and hard corals, all of which appear...
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    Something Eating My Starfish

    Dont know if this helps, i have a blue star, i bought it from my LFS along with a sand sifter about 5 months ago. The blue stars ends of three legs were visibly fleshy like something was eating them. i suspected the dancing shrimps were having a munch on him, so I moved him into my sump, he was...
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    Red Slime Algae

    Thanks again Guys, My Anenome is a bright florescent green and iappears to be thriving. I water change 25% every 2-3 weeks. At the last water change, i emptied the sump and had a right old attempt at hoovering the algae, probably a 50% water change that day. within a few days it returned to the...
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    Red Slime Algae

    "In my opinion the only way to keep it under control is competition. The chemicals produced by more plantlike algaes (such as macroalgae and hair algae) and chemicals produced by symbiotic cnidarians (such as light-loving corals and anemones) will slowly marginalize cyanobacteria" How long...
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    Red Slime Algae

    I recently introduced some new live rock into my tank and have a problem with red slime algae. I have tried to remove it manually, for it to come back again very soon after. I am keeping a reef, soft and hard coral with fish and looking for a natural solution to this problem. Is there a...
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    Tank Chemistry

    Yes, Since nem has gone, clown has gone back to its old ways, rubbed both barbs off, i assume on the rocks, both cheeks have fuzzy mucas around where the barbs were and one of his cheeks is quite swollen. He is feeding well and continues to defend his patch where the nem was, but on the whole...
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    Tank Chemistry

    Thanks guys for your positive response as a newbie i appreciate your comments. Ski, Probe would seem to confirm previous liquid tests, liquid tester goes up to 8.6 and my samples were certainly showing the higher end of the scale. I will buy test and check magnesium, my lfs is very local to...
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    Tank Chemistry

    My calcium is 420ppm, the salt i use is aquamedic and i use a RO+DI system, directly off my mains water, i use a in line phosphate reactor with rawaphos and a UV steriliser i have always been plagued with algae, hence the sea hare, could this also be high magnesium levels? When i checked ALK...
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    Tank Chemistry

    I need some help with understanding what a raised PH does to the how a raised PH acts with other water perameters. The story so far. My Stats today are PH 8.6/8.7, AMM 0.25ppm, nitrite 0.05ppm, nitrate 2.5ppm, ALK 1.7-2.8mil/L, SG 1.025, temp 25.5C. My stock is 4"blue spotted tang, 4"yellow...
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    Blue Spotted Tang

    Skifletch you are absolutly correct in your assumptions. I have some new test kits and have Just carried out test using a red sea test lab. Nitrite tests show , difficult to be absolutely certain as sample was half between scale colours. 0 or 0.05ppm What do you think, acceptable?
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    Blue Spotted Tang

    i dont know how good you are with numbers Stuart.Wiltshire but .3mg/L does not equal '0', if your going to ask a question in this forum and you arent going to listen to anyone then whats the point of posting??? The measured nitrites are Less Than 0.3mg/l. This is the lowest level of nitrite...
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    Blue Spotted Tang

    please use link to see a picture of the "blue spotted unicorn tang"
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    Blue Spotted Tang

    KKyyllee, I am adding fish because I have zero amm and less than 3 mg of nitrite, the test results [tetra] will measure as less than 3mg/??, so i assume and i take this as zero nitrites, i have accepetable levels of nitrate. if nitrate levels are less than 12 mg/??, then i have a reasonable...
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    Blue Spotted Tang

    The previous owner of the blue spotted tang, told me that this fish habitually changes colour, when its really happy it turns the light blue. which does suggest that the brown colour equals unhappiness. I added his mate a yellow tang, today, it appears that they are paired. As soon as they met...
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    Blue Spotted Tang

    Thanks for replies. I did more tests yesterday, AMM = 0 Nitrites = less than 3, Nitrates = 25. I did 25% water change and tested nitrates findings were 10 again. I have about 50 kg of live rock, tank has been cycled around 5-6 weeks. I started with clean up crew, there are 20 snails now, sea...
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    Blue Spotted Tang

    Hi, I am a newcomer to this hobby. please bear with me. I have recently aquired my first fish, a blue spotted tang, it is approximatley 5 inches head to toe. He has beein my tank for two days now, seems lively and is making the rights signs with feeding etc... The problem is within two hours...