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  1. R


    how long does it normaly take for them 2 get pregnet and how long are they pregnet for?
  2. R


    hey i have 4 swordstails ina 20gal i got 1 man and 3 female they have been in for about a week now how will i know when they start getting pregnet or not?
  3. R

    What Fish

    alright thanks. like you said i might have 2 start a new 1 but everytime i click new topic its always the same i dont have the option for a pic
  4. R

    Breeding Set Up?

    thanks again. me my self i aint to worried about the priceing of fish my girlfriend works at a petstore with livestock but she gets cost on everything so.. instead of paying 3 dallors for something i get it for 8 cents
  5. R

    Convict Only

    how big does a convict have to be for them to be ready to breed
  6. R

    What Fish

    i have two fish they look the same and everything and got all the same markings. but diffrent colours. i'm not sure how 2 put the pics up or i would so if someone could help me out i will put there pics up
  7. R

    Breeding Oscars

    hello i have an oscar thast 6 inches i think its proubly still 2 small 2 breed but what i was wondering is what does it take 2 breed them. i know u need a really large tank i got 222 gal tank that i can get from my parents house or leave it set up there. - how can i tell if my oscar is a...
  8. R

    Breeding Oscars

    hello i have an oscar thast 6 inches i think its proubly still 2 small 2 breed but what i was wondering is what does it take 2 breed them. i know u need a really large tank i got 222 gal tank that i can get from my parents house or leave it set up there. - how can i tell if my oscar is a...
  9. R

    Pregnant Guppy?

    YUMMMY PEA SOUP for fishies lol
  10. R

    Breeding Set Up?

    sweet thanks alot for all the advise just 1 more question i guess how long would it take for the fry 2 get bigg enough 2 be feeder size for my 6 in oscar.
  11. R

    Breeding Set Up?

    i have a 10 gal tank with everything in it alll ready to go. use 2 have my cons in it but theya re in my 65 gal now. and i was wondering what is the best fish 2 breed for feeders. i guess it dont really matter if they inbreed cuz they just going 2 get eaten. So pretty much. -Which is the...
  12. R


    well right now i have about 4 fish mouth size in there now and he has not touched them so.. lol i dont know
  13. R


    well right now in with my oscar i got fish that are really small and i got about 3-4 the same size as my small convict. and he is not all that active kinda lazy you could say lol
  14. R


    hello i got to convicts one's about 2 inches and the other 1.5. they are both in a 10 gal right now and i have an oscar 6 in ina 65 gal with a couple little fish no bigger then 3 inches what are my chances of my convicts lasting if i just put them in there?