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  1. M

    Recommendations For A 10 Gallon

    We have now got 5 guppies and 4 neons (which after reading more on this site I now know are probably not ideal). What could we add to this combination? many thanks Melissa Thank you - the guppies are definitely male.
  2. M

    Recommendations For A 10 Gallon

    Thanks We have now got some guppies (5) and some neon's (4). Would you still recommend adding the yoyo loaches - what do they look like? and are they calm with other fish?
  3. M

    Recommendations For A 10 Gallon

    Thanx We bought a kit that tested for all of them but the ph value was the only concern. It is the recommended numbers and combinations of fish that we are not sure of. Any suggestions are much appreciated. Melissa
  4. M

    Recommendations For A 10 Gallon

    I have read your article with interest. My husband and I have just purchased an 8 gallon tank (supposedly for the children (age 2 and 1 !!)). Can you tell me if the recommendations you have given would still apply. I am particularly interested in your "ideal combinations of fish". We are not...