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  1. DXG

    5Gal Paludarium Build Thread

    Just goes to show that a tank doesn't have to be huge to look fantastic. You've inspired to look through the attic and dig out some some old kit........have a vision of the same set up, but with a Bonsai Thanks !
  2. DXG

    Converted From Marine

    Hi, Added a couple more pics, plant growth is great - Love em or hate them, but halides are doing their job :good: Also got 4 of the 5 glad I switched. Really enjoying the challenge of planted tanks. Dave
  3. DXG

    A Guide On Where To Buy Plants

    I've just used jjcaquatics on ebay. Weeping and Java moss - very good size HC Cuba - not huge, but looks very healthy. Comms were good, ordered Monday, arrived well packaged today.
  4. DXG

    Converted From Marine

    I'm with you Adam... Have Anubis and java fern tied to the wood. Trying to get hold of some moss at the moment (seems harder to find than I remembered !) Good luck with the marine tank
  5. DXG

    Converted From Marine

    Thanks for the comments - changed from marine as I'm away from home a lot. No time to mix salt up for weekend water changes ! Tank had also been running well for nearly 4 years, I missed the fun and challenge of setting up a new tank. (Second tank not an option) Stocking Details: Tetras -...
  6. DXG

    My Planted 60'x18'x20' And 36'x15'x18'

    The 5 footer looks very nice and healthy. :good: What lighting are you running in that pendant ?
  7. DXG

    Converted From Marine

    Hi, Been keeping marines for a few years now, recently decided to switch back to FW and have a go at a planted tank. (never really managed it before :crazy: ) So after a good clean, I took stock on which marine kit to keep and use: Lighting - 2 * 150w + 2 54w t5 (changed bulbs to BLV 5200K)...
  8. DXG

    Been Away For A Long Time

    Hi all, Haven't posted for a looooong time, been away on the dark side running a saltie reef tank. Anyway, decided to have a go at a proper planted tank: 60" 500L tank Pressurised Co2 100l sump 3 x 150w 5200K halides So, what have I missed ? - Trops got expensive !!! so far,have set up 2...
  9. DXG

    Co2 Systems ?

    Hi, Looking to purchase a complete Co2 system for what will be a heavily planted 500l tank. Can anyone recommended a good unit for less than £200 ? Thanks, Dave
  10. DXG


    I agree, I'm glad that I've spent all that money - I love my tank. I just think it's important that anyone thinking of setting up a SW tank should understand how expensive it is and accept that cheap short cuts in the beginng will only cost more further down the line.
  11. DXG


    That's a big tank on a tight budget. Sorry to be frank, but the cost of sand should be the least of your worries. General rule for live rock is around 1.5 lbs per gallon. At £10+ per kilo, you'll be spending in excess of £600 on rock alone. You need to consider a good sized skimmer plus...
  12. DXG

    Live Chat ?

    Been on live chat tonight for the first time in years, Can I suggest that if no MOD is active that LC is locked ?? Got bored with repative "y"
  13. DXG

    Starting A New Tank

    Research, research and research again. i didn't and wasted so much money ! e.g. don't spend £100+ on Cr%p powersweeps - buy streams ! Undertsand what your limits are now before you invest - 3 foot is very limiting- You can get some fantastic fish for that size, but please don't think that you...
  14. DXG

    Why Should You Switch To Sw ?

    Switched to SW 5 months ago and still amazed at the diveristy, Look at the pic of my arrow crab "playing" with a brittle star fish !
  15. DXG

    What Sea Salt Mix Do You Use?

    Tropic Marin Pro Reef - Fantastic !! Wish I lived closer to a NSW source though :/
  16. DXG

    Who's Order From Trimar?

    Paul, It was a year ago, but have a look at this thread. My thread I remember that the courier kept the box on the passenger seat to keep it warm and safe !
  17. DXG

    Pink Spotted Shrimp Goby

    Recently converted to SW - Newest addition to the tank. Hope you like !
  18. DXG

    Hooked already !!

    Picked up 10 turbo snails, 6 hemits and 2 tank bred clowns yesterday. All are doing great apart from the turbo snails who haven't moved at all. I can see that they are still alive, but worried that they aren't moving. Should I leave them in or remove them ? >I acclimatised all fpr approx 1...
  19. DXG

    Nano Reef Diary... Updated 18/06/06

    Nice update Looks fantastic. Hope you've got someone trustworthy to look after it while you are on holiday !
  20. DXG

    could you do me a favor?

    Nearly voted for faded memories, but Shattered dreams got my vote. Fantastic pics
  21. DXG

    Nano Reef Diary... Updated 18/06/06

    Ben, Where are the new pics ?? You owe me, I'm skint because of you :whistle:
  22. DXG

    Hooked already !!

    Went to a different LFS this morning to pick up more live rock (UK franchise called "Ripples") Anyway, they didn't have any scales and guessed the weight of my selection. They guessed 12 kilo's (£9.95 per kilo). As I reckoned there was about 16 kilo's I snapped it up. Got it home and weighed...
  23. DXG

    Hooked already !!

    Cheers SH Stripped down and cleaned the tank today, what a nightmare. 4 hours of back breaking effort. Downside I guess of having a slightly taller tank. Anyway, picked up today... 20 kg if Tropic Marin salt 25 kg TMC sand 3 Power Sweep 228 Power heads 30 Kilos of dead rock So currently...
  24. DXG

    Hooked already !!

    Thanks for the info guys. I've removed all, glad I asked the question early. Am due to start purchasing everything for the 140 this week so expect a few more questions from me ! so to start... For skimming, everyone appears to rate the Deltec MCE600, would you agree ? I've used Tropic Marin...
  25. DXG

    Hooked already !!

    Despite keeping trop FW for years, I love the fact that I feel like a complete newbie and am eagerly soaking up info on SW. Thanks to steelhealr and bunjiweb for your posts - I'm loving your diaries so much that I'm now hooked on sw and investing! I set up my first SW nano last week and...
  26. DXG


    Thanks ! Ben - Birchir is about 14 inches and quite a sight on the rare occasions that he comes out during lights on. I'm reducing my stocking though and looking for someone to take him from me along with a BGK and a syno. I'll post something in sale & wants.
  27. DXG


    Been taking photo's today. Just a few to share...... Oscar Ornate with Sev And my earth eaters. These guys are great for turning the sand over !
  28. DXG

    Mistake ?

    Thanks mate, It's not the size as he's in a 140 gal tank. From what I've read, he'll kill everything else in the tank He's just so nice though :*)
  29. DXG

    Mistake ?

    Looking for a single fish to mix with parrots and earth eaters (and a fire eel), I saw this guy today labelled just as a "zebra chichlid". Assured by my LFS that he was quite mild and would mix fine with fish of same size, I bought him. A quick bit of research makes me think this is not the...
  30. DXG

    Upgraded Tank

    Some pics of new tank., just wanted to share.....
  31. DXG

    Python No Spill Clean And Fill

    I got mine from aquatics-online Link
  32. DXG

    Python No Spill Clean And Fill

    Got it - tried it - love it !!! This is the best £30 I've spent in ages. Thanks again to all of you who convinced me to part with some money.
  33. DXG

    Python No Spill Clean And Fill

    OK - I've heard enough.......I've just ordered 1. Hope you guys are right about how good this ! BTW - I also ordered a 120 UK Gal tank to use it on :whistle:
  34. DXG

    Which tank ?

    Hi Trio, Good question ! I've promised a friend first refusal, if he doesn't want it, I'll PM you. Just hoping now that I don't have to wait long for the new tank to arrive !
  35. DXG

    Which tank ?

    Rena it is ! I'll be ordering it this weekend. Thanks all for you advice. Dave
  36. DXG

    Which tank ?

    I'm about to upgrade my rio 240 with something a little bigger, but am resticted by space to a 5 foot tank. I've been looking at the rio400 and rena classic 150X50. The rena is far bigger but only in height and therefore no difference in surface area. The rio is cheaper, but I'd have to pay...
  37. DXG

    i dont konw what to do !!!

    Are you using standard juwel tubes ? I recently switched back to one when my Interpet Triton needed replacing. Within a week I had a layer of slime on the surface which water changes didn't remove. I've now got a Triton back in and the slime is no more ???
  38. DXG

    History Lesson

    Anyone in Stoke want some free rocks ? Also I looking for some one to home some free Bronze corys and C Strebie corys ?
  39. DXG

    History Lesson

    Looking through some old pics, I've found the "evolution" of my tanks over the past year or so. I've posted then in order.... Amazing how much you learn from this forum. The beginning PS - only 1 bronze cory remains from the first pic - most were passed onto friends with the...
  40. DXG

    2 DAYS

    Sorry Chook :-(