Search results

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    Large castles for 55 where do i find 1?

    Looking for a large nice castle for my 55 where do i find 1? Any websites i cant seem to find any very large . Will any ceramic do?
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    What are compatable with Jaguirs?

    Is a Pleco compatable with the Jag ? how bout another Jag or Oscar? Also would a rather large Rock formation be ok with them I have a 55 G
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    I Have decided on Jaguar cichlid any tankmates?

    I have decided on a jaguir cichlid. Anything compatable with the jag oscars? another jag? Will it be ok to put a rock like formation in with them ?
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    Snails I hate snails

    Snails in 29 little white suckers how do i get rid of them for good?
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    Putting water from est tank into a new Tank

    Yes I am. Im going to do a fishless cycle
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    Putting water from est tank into a new Tank

    Im going to put a few gallons of water from my 29 established tank into my new 55 Is this a good idea? and if it is should i also add a few drops of amonia with it ?
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    Is it safe to put household amonia in tank

    How much household amonia to put in 55 freshwater tank to do fishless cycling I am Confused if this is a good idea or not?
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    Cycling 55 Freshwater

    Yes How long do you let it sit before adding the fish?
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    Hello to all

    New here 55 gallon freshwater relearning tank stuff been awhile since i had one. Glad to see a nice site here , I wonder where you all get those nice pics next to your name .
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    Cycling 55 Freshwater

    How long should i cycle my new 55 freshwater ?
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    How Much gravel 55?

    How Much gravel do i buy for 55 g freshwater and what size gravel for cichlids? Also anyone know of a good sight that has aquatic supplies?