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  1. M

    Siamese Fighting Fish.

    Hi, My girlfriend just bought one of these: I've added a suitable heater to it and I have just started it cycling (fish free). I was wondering is something this size (20 litres) is suitable for keeping siamese fighting fish in. I was...
  2. M


    My tank has become infested with snails recently, I have removed a dozen in the past few days, but I was wondering if anyone had any tips for getting rid of them? I have quite a heavily planted tank and I also have a bristlenose plec in there, so I would rather not use a chemical solution if at...
  3. M


    Hi, This morning I found a tiny snail in my tank. It is small and white, , it's shell is still slightly transparent, looks like it is almost newborn. I haven't added anything new to the tank for nearly three weeks (added some bogwood for my bristlenose plec three weeks ago), so it has just...
  4. M

    Could Use A Little Advice Please :)

    Hi folks, I was hoping for a little advice as I'm reletively new to fish keeping. I have set up a new tank, and after a month I have introduces eight red eye tetra, which seem fine and healthy, and I am considering adding another four in a month or so. I understand these fish can be a little...