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  1. Y

    Plec's Are Great

    Your plec is gorgeous, how do you keep him so healthy? I've lost 3 in the space of 5 months, the last one only lasted 2 weeks!!
  2. Y

    3 Plecs Down

    Morning, he was quite pale when introduced to the tank but got his colour back within a few hours. Never actually seen him go to the toilet but his undercarriage looked fine, no inflamation and no redness. As I said previously, my tank is 84 gallons (do you want the measurements?) and all water...
  3. Y

    3 Plecs Down

    I normally feed the neons pellets each night and then I add a bit cucumber every second or third night. They are living in a 84 gallon tank with 10 neons and 4 shrimps. A few months ago I had a bad case of white spot that wiped out 20 of my fish but I had lost a plec before that.
  4. Y

    3 Plecs Down

    Since January I've had 3 plecs and all have died within a few weeks. The last one only lasted a fortnight. All water tests are fine and all other fish are fine too. The last plec was swimming about and sucking the tank quite happily and eating cucumber like it was his last meal. What am I...