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    Brian, I am left speechless!! I have never seen so many Betta fish. I don't know how you do it. You make it seem so simple, but for me it doesn't come that easy. I don't know what to say, except..... WOW!!! Way to Go!! Ann
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    Need To Reduce Ammonia Levels In Tap Water .50 Help Please!

    Thank you all for your posts. I appreciate any help I can get. Rdd1952, I'm glad to know that the Prime has converted the ammonia to a non-toxic state. I guess I am getting a false-positive reading with the API testing kit. But now I have put in 4 doses of Prime into these 2 1/1 gallon...
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    Fishless Cycling

    Whoaaaaaaa. I put up a post and left the forum for a day and came back to all these absolutely wonderful posts!! I started reading them, haven't finished yet though. I'd like to thank everyone for posting information on the ammonia issues. This is all very new to me. I had a Male Betta and...
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    Help! Starting All Over Again With New Betta(s) Need Help!

    it's been hours and still not cleared up. I must have the worst tap water.
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    Need To Reduce Ammonia Levels In Tap Water .50 Help Please!

    I just cleaned out the entire 2 bowls for each Betta. Since the bowls are 2 1/2 gallons each. I just put in 5 drops of Prime in each bowl. (The directions say, 2 drops of Prime per gallon.) The tap water in their bowls is still measuring ammonia of .50.
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    Need To Reduce Ammonia Levels In Tap Water .50 Help Please!

    I have two new Male Bettas each in their own 2 1/2 Gallon Tanks, just temporarily. I have a 5 gallon and 10 gallon to place them in when I get them cycled eventually. But I put the fish into their tanks and used AmQuel Plus to reduce the ammonia levels, but it did not work. I decided that I...
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    Need Help With Ammonia Levels In Tap Water & More

    Does anyone know how long after adding Prime you should test for Ammonia. As a test I put tap water into a gallon jug and added the 2 drops of Prime it says per gallon. I tested the water for ammonia and it was still .50. Do I have to wait a couple of hours for the Prime to work, or is it...
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    Help! Starting All Over Again With New Betta(s) Need Help!

    Does anyone know how long after adding Prime do you test for Ammonia. As a teat I put tap water into a gallon jug and added the 2 drops it says per gallon. I tested the water for ammonia and it was still .50. Do I have to wait a couple of hours for the Prime to work, or is it supposed to work...
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    Need Help With Ammonia Levels In Tap Water & More

    Thanks Joy, I was thinking the same thing. If all else fails right now I could use bottled water in the meantime. Getting ready to go out and pick up some and search for the regular AmQuel and NovAqua too. Hopefully that will help. Sigh......just trying to set up a nice home for these...
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    Need Help With Ammonia Levels In Tap Water & More

    Thanks Ms. Wiggle for the list of members with mature media to offer, but none of them are even close to me. And thank you too, Joy, If I don't get any info on this forum that helps, I may have to call up the number on the bottle. I really do wish someone would be able to help me here though.
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    Need Help With Ammonia Levels In Tap Water & More

    Hi, I really could use some sound advice for my 2 new male Bettas. I took them home yesterday and put them into 2 1/2 gallon bowls that I am using temporarily as a home for them. I also have a 5 gallon and a 10 gallon tank that I will need to get cycled with these 2 Betta eventually. But for...
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    Help! Starting All Over Again With New Betta(s) Need Help!

    I appreciate everyone's advice on here. I am probably NOT going to get other fish to help cycle the tanks. I am going to give the BioSpira a try along with my 2 male Betta and keep my fingers crossed. I will put one male in the 5 gallon tank and the other male in the 10 gallon tank. I...
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    Help! Starting All Over Again With New Betta(s) Need Help!

    Hi Dibari Thanks for your well wishes. I, too, hope that my new Betta will do well. I am going to make the purchases today. BTW, I see that you have quite a few Betta. How and where do you keep them all? Can you give me some advice on how you do it? I was going to purchase 2 today, but...
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    Help! Starting All Over Again With New Betta(s) Need Help!

    I know what you mean DiBari, it is so easy to over condition them. I would think...well a few more drops of this or that should be ok since he needs slime coat and stress coat and zyme coat, and then there are the conditioners that say conditioner PLUS. I always thought that PLUS is something...
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    Help! Starting All Over Again With New Betta(s) Need Help!

    Good question Maxsmom. I have wondered the same also. Can the fish overdose on too much water conditioner? I think I have made that mistake with my first Betta. Not knowing which conditioners to use. It seems that everything you put into your water, at least all the items I have purchased...
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    Help! Starting All Over Again With New Betta(s) Need Help!

    Hi Dibari, Thank you for your reply to my posting. I was very upset when I lost my first Betta, Sparky. I did not understand the nitrogen cycle process and listened to too many different people with too many different opinions including and mostly from quite a few pet shops. Most of these...
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    Help! Starting All Over Again With New Betta(s) Need Help!

    Hi ALL, Ok, we will be putting our Betta, Sparky, to rest shortly today. :( I am trying not to think of his cute little face as he would wiggle himself swimming over to me. Enough said on this. :( To overcome my sorrow for my little baby. I am planning to go out today or tomorrow to purchase...
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    Flaring For Mom!

    Hi Liz, Your Betta is absolutely gorgeous!!! What a beautiful fish!! I wish you all the luck with him. As you know I lost my Betta, Sparky, this morning and I thank you for your warm postings regarding him. I was thinking about waiting awhile before getting another Betta, because I am still...
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    Very Sick Betta

    Hi, Thank you everyone for your responses. Sparky died this morning. He definitely will be missed. We all loved him dearly! Thank you again for all the support. Broken Hearted Betta Lover
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    Very Sick Betta

    Well I checked Sparky again now and he is dying. I feel just awful! He is beginning to float on his side at the top of the water and I know that the end is near. I posted a message on Ezboard and sent an email to Dr. Barb, I haven't heard from them yet, but it is too late. I can hardly bear...
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    Very Sick Betta

    I did a full change of water earlier with the tap water i had put in a bottle with conditioners about 5 days ago. And after putting him in a cup and cleaning the hospital tank and changing the water and putting him back, the water had still come up with ammonia. I didn't hear from anyone at...
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    Very Sick Betta

    I am running around the house back and forth with tears running down my face trying to save this poor little fish. I found fresh bottled spring water in my closet and tested it and it is free of ammonia. Does anyone know what I should do now? Should I take him out again and put him in a cup...
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    Very Sick Betta

    Does anyone think that I can use even our bottled drinking water for now just to get the ammonia out of his tank??? Hi Pennymom, I was just thining the same thing as you were in using the bottled drinking water. I am going to get one from my closet right now. thank you.
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    Very Sick Betta

    I am testing the ammonia level yet again from the tap water and it still is reading at is that even possible? What can I do now??? This poor fish is dying of ammonia poisoning and I cant get it out of his water supply. HELP!!!!!!
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    Very Sick Betta

    Hi again, I want to thank you all so much for all of your help. I changed the water and then tested it and it is still at .50 ammonia. I tested the water I have in all my gallons and they all test at .50 ammonia. Then I tried to test the tap water here and for some reason that comes up to...
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    Very Sick Betta

    Hi Maxsmom and thank you also for your response. I am sitting here now so upset with this poor little fish that I don't know what to do. If anyone would see me they would swear I was nuts for acting this way, but I look at him and feel just terrible that I can't do a thing to help him. He is...
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    Very Sick Betta

    Thank you again for your reply. I really appreciate anyone's assistance in helping me try to figure this one out. I do not have the fish in his larger tank. Right now I have him in the small 1/2 gallon tank with the Betta Fix Remedy. All he does is listlessly float around the water without...
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    Very Sick Betta

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    Very Sick Betta

    Just a note again, in response to your question about what I was feeding him. He Had been eating freed dried bloodworms and betta flakes. That was before he got sick like this. He has not since eaten in 7 days. He will not even acknowledge the food when i put it in his small tank. He...
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    Very Sick Betta

    Thank you for responding so quickly. No, the fish tank has not cycled yet. I changed the water in the entire tank before this last illness with our Betta. When I took him out of the tank about 5 days ago, I shut the filter off and there are no other fish in the tank. I have no friends that...
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    Very Sick Betta

    I will try to make this story as short as I possibly can. We got a Red male betta, we call him Sparky, in February. He was in a tiny tank and so we opted to purchase a 5 gallon for him a month ago to keep him happy. We did not know about the nitrogen cycle at the time. He seemed sick after...
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